[SydPhil] 2024 AAP Media Prize - winner

Australasian Association of Philosophy AAP admin at aap.org.au
Sun Jul 7 18:46:27 AEST 2024

Awarded for the best philosophical piece(s) published by a professional
philosopher in the popular media in Australasia during the previous
calendar year.

The 2024 AAP Media prize is awarded to *Christopher Lean* (Macquarie
University) and *Kate E. Lynch *(University of Melbourne) for the program
‘De-Extinction Part 1 & 2' on The Philosopher’s Zone, ABC Radio

Full details, including including the shortlisted papers, can be found
here: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/scAGCK1DvKT8JrqQNuMHmwe?domain=aap.org.au

Australasian Association of Philosophy
ABN 29 152 892 272
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