[SydPhil] Workshop with Seunghyun Song | 18th June | ACEPS | Uni Johannesburg

Mitova, Veli vmitova at uj.ac.za
Thu Jun 13 22:01:38 AEST 2024

The African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (ACEPS<https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/ZLuYCzvkyVC8vlr17F4qJXN?domain=uj.ac.za>) at the University of Johannesburg invites you to:

A WORKSHOP WITH SEUNGHYUN SONG: Structural Linguistic Injustice

When: Tue 18th June, 11:00–13:00 SAST

Where: 11th Floor, UJ on Empire, Johannesburg or Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/91579163088

Structural Linguistic Injustice

In this paper, I develop a concept of structural linguistic injustice. By doing so, I problematize certain attitudes we have towards specific languages, which we take to be normal and yet reproduce institutionally decried practices, such as suppression and denigration of minority languages. The paper proceeds as follows. In section 1, I explain how employing a structural injustice approach may broaden the scope of linguistic injustice field by identifying seemingly harmless social structures that nonetheless result in serious linguistic injustice at a collective level. In section 2, I zoom in on language attitudes. Languages come with social values and people evaluate and react to these meanings, thereby holding certain language attitudes. I identify concrete type of language attitudes as forming a part of objectionable social structures, which, in turn, enable abrupt language shift. In section 3, I distinguish two different kinds of structural linguistic injustice: isolation and alienation.

Organisers: Nomaswazi Kubeka

Inquiries: nzkubeka97 at gmail.com<mailto:nzkubeka97 at gmail.com>

ACEPS: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/ZLuYCzvkyVC8vlr17F4qJXN?domain=uj.ac.za


Veli Mitova

Professor in Philosophy and Director of ACEPS

University of Johannesburg

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