[SydPhil] AAP Postgraduate Presentation Prize - shortlist

Australasian Association of Philosophy AAP admin at aap.org.au
Wed Jun 12 10:47:10 AEST 2024

The following papers have been shortlisted for the 2024 AAP Postgraduate
Presentation Prize: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/PegACMwGxOtxGQO5YcwslDt?domain=aap.org.au

*Stephen Enciso*, Charles Darwin University, 'Can sovereignties 'co-exist'?
The interpretive challenge in the Uluru Statement'

*Theodore Murray*, Australian National University, 'Balancing Blame's
Epistemic Norm'

*Bryson Ng*, Nanyang Technological University, 'Moral Progress and the
Epistemic Vices of Corporations'

*Jeremy Strasser*, Australian National University, 'A view of induction
from the standpoint of time-stationary stochastic processes'

Shortlisted candidates will present their paper at the 2024 AAP Conference,
hosted by University of Western Australia, 7-11 July 2024. The winner will
be announced at the conference dinner on Thursday 11th July.

We would like to take this opportunity to publicly congratulate those
shortlisted and to thank all students who made a submission.

For further information about the conference, see:

Australasian Association of Philosophy
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