[SydPhil] Annette Baier Prize 2024 shortlist

Australasian Association of Philosophy AAP admin at aap.org.au
Fri Jun 7 15:53:55 AEST 2024

In recognition of the impact of the work of Annette Baier, the AAP offers
an annual monetary prize for an outstanding philosophical paper or book
chapter published by an Australasian woman during the previous calendar

The shortlist for 2024 is:
*Belinda Eslick*, University of Queensland: 'Sexuation as a Frame for Human
Becoming: Reading a “Plastic” Essence in Irigaray’s Philosophy'
*Bronwyn Finnigan*, Australian National University, ‘Fear is Anticipatory:
A Buddhist Analysis’
*Justine Kingsbury,* University of Waikato, 'New Challenges to the Selected
Effects Account of Biological Function'
*Michelle Liu*, Monash University, 'X-Phi and the challenge from ad hoc
*Kristie Miller*, University of Sydney, 'Against Passage Illusionism'
*Dalia Nassar*, University of Sydney, 'The Feeling of Freedom: Schelling on
the Role of Freedom in Grasping Nature'

The winner of the Prize will be announced by the AAP Patron - The
Honourable Pamela Tate AM KC - at the 2024 AAP Conference Welcome event
preceding the Presidential Address by Deborah Brown on Sunday 7th July,
University of Western Australia.

More information about the prize, including full details of the
shortlisted papers,
can be found here: https://url.au.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/dKLWC6XQ4LfVXLYBmU6E0xf?domain=aap.org.au

Australasian Association of Philosophy
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