[SydPhil] HPS Research Seminar, Monday 06, November 2023 at 5:30pm

HPS Admin hps.admin at sydney.edu.au
Wed Nov 1 16:09:43 AEDT 2023

School of History and Philosophy of Science
[The University of Sydney]
Hungry for a Breakthrough
The Effect of Psychedelics and Mystical Experiences on Psychoanalysis

Leslie Stein (USYD)

Dates: Monday, 06/11/2023
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: Madsen Building (F09), Level 3, Room 331
How to register: Free, no registration required

Abstract: We have an impenetrable mind that seeks its own justifications and needs concrete proof before it will allow any change.  This makes psychoanalysis, a deep excursion into those hidden forces that govern our personality and that emerge for consideration in the misty, seemingly irrational content of dreams, in visions, and projections, a difficult and long process.  Psychedelics promise instant revelation and have gained acceptance by its therapeutic use for PTSD, end-of-life despair, eating disorders, OCD and other intractable conditions. But do they really bring us to the hard questions about meaning and the mystery? Carl Jung wrote that mystical experiences are the “real therapy.” Does the importance of a breakthrough give psychedelics a place in the winding descent into the unconscious.

Bio: Leslie Stein trained as a Jungian Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute in New York and is in private practice in Sydney, Australia.  His books include: Becoming Whole: Jung’s Equation for Realizing God (Helios); Working with Mystical Experiences in Psychoanalysis: Opening to the Numinous (Routledge); The Self in Jungian Psychology: Theory and Practice (Chiron) – winner of the IAJS Award for the best book on Jungian theory, 2022; The Journey of Adam Kadmon: A Novel (Arcade, New York), Editor, Eastern Practices and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts (Chiron);  Editor with Lionel Corbett of Psychedelics and Individuation: Essays by Jungian Analysts (Chiron), and Editor with D. Rickles of the forthcoming work: Varieties of Nothingness (Chiron). He is on the Board of Directors of the Philemon Foundation, responsible for publication of the previously unpublished works of Jung.  He is also an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Urbanism in the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning at the University of Sydney with a long career of advising governments in 18 countries and the UN on mental health outcomes in urban areas, as to which he has written 4 books, and has been the principal advisor on urban planning reform to the NSW government.


[The University of Sydney]
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