[SydPhil] HPS Research Seminar, Monday 22, May 2023 at 5:30pm
Hps Admin
hps.admin at sydney.edu.au
Wed May 17 11:20:33 AEST 2023
School of History and Philosophy of Science
[The University of Sydney]
Must one have a beard to be a philosopher? Women and Ancient Greek philosophy
Emily Hulme (USyd)
Dates: Monday, 22/5/2023
Time: 5:30pm
Venue: F23, Michael Spence Building, Level 5, Room 501
How to register: Free, no registration required
Zoom Link: https://uni-sydney.zoom.us/j/85722285732<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/SxdaCANpgjCZnLQ8vU8nuS-?domain=t.e2ma.net>
Abstract: While philosophy usually focuses on the study of abstract and universal questions, the philosopher has often been imagined in a very specific physical form: an erudite man of a respectable age—and, as put by the Roman author Lucian, “above all else he should have a long beard that would inspire confidence in those who…[seek] to become his pupils” (Harmon trans.). Yet, women have been part of the history of philosophy from the beginning.
This presentation will present an overview of current work on the contributions of women to Greek philosophy. This includes women who participated directly in philosophical schools—such as Epicurean and Pythagorean women—as well as women like the poet Sappho and the midwife Phaenarete (Socrates’ mother) who were cited as intellectual inspirations by male philosophers. We’ll also touch on related topics, including women in ancient science.
Bio: Dr Emily Hulme is a Lecturer in ancient Greek philosophy at the University of Sydney. Her current book project focuses on techne in Plato.
Link to Zoom<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/OoiACBNqjlCDMpGygCNOzqp?domain=t.e2ma.net>
[The University of Sydney]
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