[SydPhil] PhD scholarship in philosophy of biology (Macquarie)

Pierrick Bourrat pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au
Thu Apr 20 09:30:31 AEST 2023

Dear Colleagues,

As part of Dr Pierrick Bourrat’s ARC Discovery Eearly Career Researcher Award project "Inheritance and the Emergence of Individuals: From concepts to practice” there is one 3-year domestic scholarship, commencing no later than the 1st of October 2023, in the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University. It will cover a 3-year PhD.

The scholarship will support a successful candidate to devise and develop their own project in collaboration with Dr Bourrat on a topic related to biological individuality broadly construed.

More details about the Department of Philosophy at Macquarie University can be found here: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/dS4iCP7LAXf05Zyw4fzA6P3?domain=mq.edu.au

For questions, further details and how to submit an application, please contact Dr Bourrat at pierrick.bourrat at mq.edu.au

Pierrick Bourrat | DECRA Fellow & Senior Lecturer


Philosophy Department| Macquarie University | NSW | 2109
W https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/OMBvCROND2uGgQ76rhPUV3e?domain=pierrickbourrat.com<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/3OCdCVARKgC2PXOJlCJExeU?domain=pierrickbourrat.com>

Research Affiliate, The University of Sydney
Theory and Method in Bioscience | W griffithslab.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/85uqCWLVXkU6yxlEjCmhbKK?domain=griffithslab.org>

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