[SydPhil] Critical Antiquities Workshop

Tristan Bradshaw tbradshaw at uow.edu.au
Tue Mar 7 11:28:49 AEDT 2023

Dear all,

The Critical Antiquities Workshop is back for 2023. The flyer can be viewed any time at our website: criticalantiquities.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/8Qp0Ck81N9tnJm3rru2VO3m?domain=criticalantiquities.org>.

Zoom details will be announced approximately one week prior to each session via email notification. Please sign up (there’s a link in the flyer) if you’d like to receive notifications, including Zoom links.

We hope to see you there,

Tristan Bradshaw and Ben Brown

Tristan Bradshaw
Lecturer, School of Liberal Arts | Co-director, Critical Antiquities Network
Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities | Building 19 Room 1085
University of Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia
T +61 2 4221 3850
uow.edu.au<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/BRnHClx1NjioYgqAAF9U6zB?domain=uow.edu.au> | criticalantiquities.org<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/DMTdCmO5glu5QELAAhBK5X3?domain=criticalantiquities.org>
Honorary Associate
University of Sydney
School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

University of Wollongong CRICOS: 00102E

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