[SydPhil] AAPAE Tertiary Ethics Olympiad-Via Zoom An Invitation - 5/10/2023

Admin admin at ethicsolympiad.org
Fri Feb 17 13:07:10 AEDT 2023

The Australian Association for Professional and Applied Ethics has teamed up with the Ethics Olympiad and will host the first AAPAE Tertiary Ethics Olympiad in October this year. Please consider entering a team or passing this invitation on to colleagues at your university. Successful teams will compete against US Ethics Bowl teams via Zoom in the future. 

Register teams here


Matthew Wills
Ethics Olympiad Manager

Mailing Address:PO BOX 116 Dernancourt 5075
Phone 0400029660

Email: admin at ethicsolympiad.org
Click here for a recent article in the Australian Journal for Middle Schooling about "the Ethics Olympiad Experience."

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