[SydPhil] Indian Religions and the Concept of God: An Online Workshop, 13-14 Feb 2023, 9am CET (13 Feb only) and 3pm CET

FRANCISCO MARIANO assismariano at ufrn.edu.br
Wed Feb 8 01:36:00 AEDT 2023


*An Online Workshop*

Feb 13, 9:00-10:30am CET and 3:00-4:30pm CET.

Feb 14, 3:00-4:30pm CET


The purpose of the online workshop *INDIAN RELIGIONS AND THE CONCEPT OF GOD*
is to explore Indian concepts of God from a global philosophical
perspective. Accepting that there are different conceptions of divinity
among the Indian religious and philosophical traditions, we might pose the
following questions: How can these concepts of God be philosophically
characterized?  Are the Indian traditions’ concepts of God really
monotheistic in the Western sense of the term? Or are they closer to
panentheism, henotheism or polytheism? What divine properties do the
traditions ascribe to their respective divinity? What is their relationship
with Western philosophical accounts of God? Each speaker in the workshop
will explore a concept of God in one of the main Indian traditions or texts.

The workshop will be held on Zoom. There will be no fee for participation.
Registration however will be required (via

The workshop is part of “A Philosophical Approach to the Vaiṣṇava Concept
of God,” a project funded by the John Templeton Foundation through the
Global Philosophy of Religion Project, hosted by the University of
Birmingham (https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/X9wQC6XQ4LfoKLO7JTm3FzD?domain=global-philosophy.org).

*List of Talks:*

*Feb 13, 2023 (Monday) – 9am CET*

*09:00 am CET (Berlin) | midnight PST (Los Angeles) | 05:00 am UTC-3
(Brasília) | 08:00 am UTC (London) | 01:30 pm IST (New Delhi)*

Jessica Frazier (Oxford University, UK)

*Beyond Theism: Vedantic Images and Arguments for a God Beyond Being *

Bindu Puri (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India)

*Gandhi on God:Debating the purva paksa*

Ithamar Theodor (Zefat Academic College, Israel)

*Concept of God in the Bhagavad-gita: a Personalistic approach*

*Feb 13, 2023 (Monday) – 3pm CET*

*03:00 pm CET (Berlin) | 06:00 am PST (Los Angeles) | 11:00 am UTC-3
(Brasília) | 02:00 pm UTC (London) | 07:30 pm IST (New Delhi)*

Purushottama Bilimoria (Purushottama Centre for Indian Philosophy &
Culture, XX)

*Gods and Godless Divinity: polyphony of panenpsychic omniscience,
effervescent and hermaphrodite devatās, in Indian philosophy of religion*

Jonathan Edelmann (University of Florida, USA)

*Happiness and the Hierarchy of Being: Jīva Gosvāmin and Aquinas on the
Ultimate Goal*

Sthaneshwar Timalsina (San Diego State University, USA)

*God, Isvara and the Brahman*

*Feb 14, 2023 (Tuesday) – 3pm CET **03:00 pm CET (Berlin) | 06:00 am PST
(Los Angeles) | 11:00 am UTC-3 (Brasília) | 02:00 pm UTC (London) | 07:30
pm IST (New Delhi)*

David Lawrence (The University of North Dakota, USA)

*The Philosophical Concept of God in Late Nondual Kashmiri Śaivism*

Christopher Chapple (Loyola Marymount University, USA)

*Panentheism in the Bhagavad Gita*

Alan Herbert (Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, UK)

*Characterising the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Concept of God as the Possessor of

*Organizational Committee:*

·  Alan Herbert (Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, UK)

·  Ricardo Sousa Silvestre (Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil)

·  Gabriel Reis de Oliveira (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande
do Sul, Brazil)
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