[SydPhil] reminder: summer showcase (November 25)

Mark Alfano mark.alfano at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 13:59:19 AEDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

This is just a quick reminder that, with *Colin Klein,* my lab will soon be
hosting a *summer research showcase*. The showcase will be held at the
Macquarie University* City Campus* *in the Sydney CBD* (123 Pitt St, floor
24, room 2408) on *November 25th, starting at 10 AM*.

We will begin by summarizing the nature and work of our digital humanities
and corpus linguistics lab, which relocated to Australia in 2020 and has
produced dozens of publications since. Then some members and affiliates of
the lab will present recent and forthcoming lab publications.

Here are the details:

10:00-10:30      Welcome, introductions

10:30-11:10      M. Ferreira, “Silver Linings to Black Boxes”

11:10-11:20      Tea/coffee/WC

11:20-noon       P. Podosky, “Fanaticism in the Manosphere”

noon-1:30:        lunch/networking

1:30-2:10         R. Reimann, “The affiliative use of emoji and hashtags in
the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter”

2:10-2:50         M. Alfano, “Reactionary attitudes: Strawson, Twitter, and
the Black Lives Matter Movement”

2:50-3:00         Tea/coffee/WC

3:00-3:40         C. Klein, “Attention and counter-framing in the Black
Lives Matter movement on Twitter”

3:40-5:00         Reception

We are hoping that folks from across Sydney, NSW, and the ACT (and
elsewhere) will be interested in joining us. One of the goals of the
showcase is to foster interest in and new collaborations using the
methodological innovations our lab has developed.

If you plan to attend some or all of the showcase, please let me know via
email at mark.alfano at gmail.com.

Best wishes,


Mark Alfano, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Macquarie University
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