[SydPhil] [xrs] Epistemic Injustice Conference — ACEPS — live and online at University of Johannesburg — 29–30 March 2022

Mitova, Veli vmitova at uj.ac.za
Wed Mar 23 00:49:14 AEDT 2022

Epistemic Injustice Conference

African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (ACEPS)

Live and online at the University of Johannesburg

29-30 March 2022

Keynote: Professor José Medina (Northwestern University)

Zoom registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpcO2tpz4jE9zLqIaJXUA0d26hPpM1Y1-l

Programme (All times are SAST=GMT+2)

Tuesday 29 March 2022

10:00-10:40      Hugh Robertson-Ritchie (University of Kent) ‘Reasons and Agency in Injustices Suffered by Patients with CFS/ME’ (Online)

10:50-11:30      Balamohan Shingade (University of Auckland) ‘Hermeneutical Injustice in the Context of Settler Colonialism’ (Online)

11:50-12:30      Abraham Tobi (University of Johannesburg) ‘Epistemic Injustice in Social Networking Platforms’ (Live)

12:40-13:20      Kerstin Reibold (University of Potsdam) ‘Who Needs To Tell the Truth?’ (Online)

14:00-14:40      Elliot Porter (University of Kent) ‘Answerability and Self-Answerability in Mania: from Responsibility to Reconciliation’ (Online)

14:50-15:30      Jules Salomone-Sehr & Camille Ternier (McGill University) ‘Know-how Dismissal’ (Online)

15:50-16:30      Amandine Catala (University of Quebec at Montreal) ‘Decolonizing Epistemic Power: Epistemic Injustice, Political Equality, and Colonial Memory’ (Online)

16:40-17:20      Milan Ney (CUNY) ‘Metaphors and Hermeneutical Resistance’ (Online)

WEDNESDAY 30 March 2022

10:00-10:40      Olerato Mogomotsi (University of Cape Town) ‘Imposter Syndrome and Epistemic Injustice’ (Live)

10:50-11:30      Gloria Mähringer (LMU) ‘Justificatory Injustices: Inequality in the access to justificatory reasons’ (Online)

11:50-12:30      Andrew Akpan (University of Johannesburg) ‘How Algorithms further epistemic injustice’ (Live)

12:40-13:20      Isabel Kaeslin (University of Fribourg) ‘Attention Gaps and Hermeneutic Gaps and Distortions’ (Online)

14:00-15:30      Keynote: José Medina (Northwestern University) ‘Protesting under Conditions of Epistemic Injustice’ (Live)

15:50-16:30      Gilles Beauchamp (McGill) ‘Post-Christian ignorance – Hermeneutical injustice in secular society’ (Online)

16:40-17:20      T.J Lagewaard (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ‘Mapping the interplay between epistemic injustice and (deep) disagreement’ (Online)

17:30-18:10      Micol Bez (Northwestern University / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS) -Institut Jean-Nicod.) ‘With a little help from my friends’ (Online)


Conference: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0L0gCANpgjC93JwjruGbkE9?domain=uj.ac.za

Professor Medina: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/r-LMCBNqjlCV9JwvPu6cp2t?domain=philosophy.northwestern.edu

Newton Fellowship funder: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/DllnCD1vlpTBKrEXjHAUrtA?domain=epistemic-injustice-reasons-agency.weebly.com

ACEPS: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/jdjICE8wmrtWJovB1sPidoY?domain=uj.ac.za


Veli Mitova

Professor in Philosophy and Director of ACEPS

University of Johannesburg


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