[SydPhil] Ethics Olympiad Judges needed

Matthew Wills philosothon at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 5 15:02:20 AEDT 2021

We are looking for Philosophers.....Post Grad Philosophy/Humanities students or retired teachers/lecturers to participate as moderator/judges in Ethics Olympiads in May.
Due to the popularity of Ethics Olympiads we need some more judges at the upcoming Senior Students Ethics Olympiads. These events will involve selected bright high school students grappling with ethical issues while being assessed on their reasoning skills by moderator/judges. The event is being run online via ZOOM and so judges can participate from home or work.
We will be paying people a flat rate of $190 to each judge for each session. It is preferable but not essential that you have an ABN. These events are usually run between 9 am and 3 pm, depending on the time zone in which they occur. If you are interested please click on the link at the bottom of this page and fill in your details. 
Please note that people can and have participated from numerous countries...but will need to adjust for time differences. 
We still need people on the following days and times;
   - 4th May - Tuesday (9am-3pm AEST) ACT Ethics Olympiad
   - 6th May - Thursday (9am-3pm AEST) NSW Ethics Olympiad
   - 7th May - Friday (9am-3pm AEST) Victorian Ethics Olympiad
   - 11th May - Tuesday (9am-3pm AEST) Queensland Ethics Olympiad
   - 17th May - Monday (9am-3pm AEST) NSW Ethics Olympiad
   - 24th May - Monday (11am-5pm AEST) Western Australian Ethics Olympiad
   - 26th May - Wednesday (8.30am-2.30pm AEST) South Australia & NT Ethics Olympiad
   - 29th May - Saturday- (9am-3pm AEST) NSW Ethics Olympiad


many thanks


Matthew Wills
Project LeaderEthics OlympiadPhilosothon ProjectThe University of Western Australia
Phone 0400029660

Email: philosothon at yahoo.com
 Ethics Olympiad website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/g_WPCVARKgCxLz1g7cGbkv-?domain=ethicsolympiad.org  Philosothon website: www.philosothon.net

This project was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton Religion Trust. The opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton Religion Trust.

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