[SydPhil] Critical Antiquities Workshop - Matthew Sharpe

Tristan Bradshaw tristan.bradshaw at sydney.edu.au
Wed Feb 24 11:03:45 AEDT 2021

Dear all,

Ben Brown and I are pleased to announce that the Critical Antiquities Workshop is back for 2021. Please see attached flyer that lists all workshops in semester 1, complete with abstracts. As with last year, all meetings will be held online on Zoom.

In our first meeting for the year, we will host Associate Professor Matthew Sharpe (Deakin University) who will present his paper, ‘Lucian (or Lycinus) on how (not) to choose (a) Philosophy’. Please see attached flyer for the abstract to Matthew’s paper.

The meeting will be held on Friday March 5 from 11am-12:30pm Sydney time (or Thursday March 4, 7-8:30pm if you’re in the eastern US).

To receive a Zoom link, please sign up for Critical Antiquities Network announcements here<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/XYuuC3QNPBiyElp4fgPdPE?domain=signup.e2ma.net>. The Zoom link will be sent to the mailing list on the morning of each workshop.

Best wishes,

Tristan Bradshaw
Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Co-director, Critical Antiquities Network
The University of Sydney
Department of Classics and Ancient History
School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
H606, Main Quadrangle | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
 +61 406 747 955
tristan.bradshaw at sydney.edu.au<mailto:tristan.bradshaw at sydney.edu.au>  | fass_can at sydney.edu.au<mailto:fass_can at sydney.edu.au>
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