[SydPhil] Job vacancies: National Taiwan University - Assistant Professors in Logic and/or Pre-Qin Confucianism

L.C. Chan lokchan at ntu.edu.tw
Wed Oct 21 01:01:17 AEDT 2020

Dear philosophers,

National Taiwan University is currently advertising positions of 
Assistant Professors in logic and/or Pre-Qin Confucianism. Closing Date: 
5pm, 21 December, 2020 (Taipei time).

For further details, please see the info below or this link: 

Please note that the Chinese language requirement is only 'in 
principle': we are happy to consider capable applicants who currently 
cannot speak the language but are willing to learn it in a few years.

Kind regards,

Lok-Chi Chan

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, National Taiwan University

      Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

      Notice of Vacancies

        The Department of Philosophy at National Taiwan University
        invites applications for the position of*Assistant
        Professor.*Teaching appointment is effective from*August 1, 2021*.

*Qualification:*Ph.D. in Philosophy or related fields



 1. *Pre-Qin Confucianism*

*2. Logic*

*Other Requirements:*In principle, applicants should be competent in 
teaching in Mandarin and prepared to offer mandatory courses (teaching 
experience is preferable).


*Application Materials:*

  * Photocopy of certificate of doctoral degree

An official transcript of doctoral studies is required for the 
application for the position of Assistant Professor

  * Curriculum vitae
  * Publication list
  * Description of work experience and/or special honors (if any)
  * Statement of research specialization and academic interests
  * Course syllabi (including mandatory courses) and syllabi of
    previously offered courses (if any)
  * Four copies of the following: dissertation, up to three major
    publications (after*August 2016*) and other reference publications
    (if any, after*August 2014*). If major publications are in the form
    of monographs or book chapters, please submit proof of review and
  * Two letters of recommendation


*/Deadline: Applications should be received by 5 p.m. on//December 21, 
2020//(Taipei time)/**.*

*Please send your application to the following address*

If sending by mail


If sending in person or by express delivery

Department of Philosophy

National Taiwan University

No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road

Taipei 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Department of Philosophy

National Taiwan University

No.18, SiYuan St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Phone: 886-2-33663396   Fax: 886-2-23636269   Contact Person: Julie Chan

E-mail:julie at ntu.edu.tw <mailto:julie at ntu.edu.tw> Website: 


Assistant Professor L.C. Chan

Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University*

Web: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/P8xjCYW8NocEnplVt9jJTT?domain=lokchan3.wixsite.com
Postal address: Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, 
No.1, Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei City 106, Taiwan

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