[SydPhil] AAP Australasian Philosothon

Matthew Wills philosothon at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 10 09:54:44 AEST 2020

The Australian Association of Philosophers will be hosting the first Australasian Philosothon on the 29th and 30th September between 10am AEST and 2pm AEST.  Due to the implications of COVID restrictions the event, which was to be held at Wesley College in Melbourne has been moved online and as a result we are able to invite judges from anywhere in the world.  The top secondary school students from schools in every Australian state and NZ.  We have a free online training day for people that are new to this style of event on the 1st Sept at 10 am AEST.  If you would like to judge at this event, please contact me at philosothon at aap.org.au . More information about Philosothons can be found in the attached judges kit or here. https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/zB5WCJyBrGf7QB9JTVnvFd?domain=philosothon.net

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warm regardsMatthew

Matthew Wills

Project Leader

Philosothon Project
17 Monticle StHighbury Adelaide South Australia
Phone 0400029660

Email: philosothon at yahoo.com
Philosothon website: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/Ji6lCK1DvKTjrD7oHv1EGW?domain=philosothon.org

Proudly supported by the Templeton Religion Trust

This project was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton Religion Trust. The opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton Religion Trust.

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