Adam Hochman adam.hochman at mq.edu.au
Tue Nov 19 06:51:30 AEDT 2019

This symposium brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to critically assess the concept of transrace. Shifting the discussion away from the controversial comparison with transgender, speakers will deconstruct the idea of transraciality, asking whether it has any value when it comes to understanding processes of racialisation, the politics of racial assignment and the role of diversity and inclusion in society. Key questions include:

* What is “transrace”?

* Are claims of transraciality new, or is this merely a new term for an old concept?

* Is it ethical to attempt to change one’s “race”, whether through social and psychological transformation or through physical alteration? Is it possible?

* Do the answers to these questions depend on which group one wishes to transition from and to, or on the motivations of the particular individual?

* Does the concept of “transrace” problematise racial classification, or does it reify race?

* What are the ethical duties of people that are read as “racially” ambiguous?

* What is the relationship between “transrace” and “passing”?

* What role does ethnicity play in claims of transraciality?

* How can the social justice interests of affirmative action and reparations programs be balanced with the dignity interests of individuals who wish to self-classify?

* What are the differences between the North American and the Australian context when it comes to the politics of racialisation and the question of identity choice?

WHERE: Rigpa Sydney (158 Australia Street, Newtown)

WHEN: 29th of November, 9am-5:30pm

FULL PROGRAM: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/b7IvCZYM2VFZAY34hzs0zs?domain=adamhochman.com

RSVP: adam.hochman at mq.edu.au<mailto:adam.hochman at mq.edu.au> by the 25th of November. All welcome!

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