[SydPhil] CAVE Workshop: Culture and Cognition, Mon 8 Oct, Macquarie - Program details

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Thu Oct 4 17:18:51 AEST 2018

Hi all,

The Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics (CAVE) will host a one day workshop on culture and cognition on Monday the 8th October. All are welcome, but as seats are limited, please register for a spot by emailing alexander.gillett at mq.edu.au<mailto:alexander.gillett at mq.edu.au>. Program details below.

Culture and Cognition Workshop

Date: 8 October, 2018
Venue: Dunmore Lang College Seminar Room (130-134 Herring Road, North Ryde NSW, Sydney [near Macquarie University Train station])**
**Note that due to train renovations, you will now need to use the NSW Station Link service to get to this train station.

9.15-9.30 Welcome to Country and Hello

Session One: [Chair: Alex Gillett]
9.30-10.30 Greg Downey 'Breath hold diving, cultural embodiment, and the emergence of automaticity'
10.30-11.30 John Sutton and Karen Pearlman ‘New questions about shared history and distributed creativity’
11.30-12.00 Break

Session Two: [Chair: McArthur Mingon]
12.00-1.00 Karola Stotz ‘Toward an Extended Evolutionary Psychology’
1.00-1.30 Graham Thomas ‘Story as Niche Construction: The Cultural Evolution of Fictional Narratives’
1.30-2.30 Lunch

Session Three: [Chair: Yves Aquino]
2.30-3.30 Kate Lynch ‘Nature via Nurture: estimating habitat selection and its impact on behavioural evolution’
3.30-4.00 Christopher Whyte ‘The Function of the Global Neuronal Workspace as Temporally Thick Active Inference’
4.00-4.30 Break

Session Four: [Chair: Graham Thomas]
4.30-5.00 Caitrin Donovan ‘How (not) to supersize psychiatry’
5.00-6.00 Richard Menary ‘Cultural Variations in Social Cognition: Enculturating Social Minds’



Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: mq.edu.au/cave<http://cave.mq.edu.au>

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