[SydPhil] Crime, Remorse, and Punishment

Jeanette Kennett jeanette.kennett at mq.edu.au
Mon Aug 20 09:01:17 AEST 2018

Crime, Remorse and Punishment
Date 23 Aug
Time 6.00-7.30pm
Location: Macquarie University City Campus. 123 Pitt Street (Angel Place)

Criminal behaviour fascinates us, it unites and divides. Everyone has a view on crime, retribution and punishment. In this free public event our expert panellists will focus on remorse. What is remorse? How do we know when someone is remorseful? When should remorse for a criminal act be taken into account in sentencing? Should victims forgive a remorseful offender? And what if we could induce remorse in criminals through pharmaceutical means or other interventions in the brain. Should we? Would it be (or could it become) genuine remorse?
Join us for this important discussion hosted by Macquarie University Faculty of Arts and the Macquarie Research Centre for Agency Values and Ethics (CAVE). Crime, Remorse, and Punishment is the opening event of the 2018 Neuroscience and Society Conference https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/fFR1CyoNVrcXNj2gIZk6cM?domain=neuroethicsconference.org.au which will explore the ethical, clinical, legal, and social implications of a variety of moral technologies that target the brain and influence thought and behaviour in multiple ways.
The event is free but please register here for catering purposes: RSVP: Register online<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/q-uJCzvOWKigRPw3uXAZbL?domain=cvent.com>

Dr Kate Rossmanith –  Kate is Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at Macquarie University.  Her background is in Performance Studies, which combines theatre and anthropology, and investigates how we perform ourselves in everyday life. This has laid the grounding for her research that examines people's enactments in the courtroom, in particular enactments of remorse. Kate is the author of the recently released book Small Wrongs: How we really say sorry in love, life and law. (Hardie Grant)
Hugh Dillon- Hugh was a Magistrate in the New South Wales Local Court for many years. He subsequently served as Deputy State Coroner for New South Wales and has also worked as a prosecutor and a barrister. Hugh has seen remorse from all sides of the criminal justice system and we are delighted that he will share his insights with us.
Dr Hannah Maslen – Hannah is Deputy Director of  the  Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, University of Oxford. She works in the new field of neuroethics, which investigates the ethical dilemmas generated by our increasing power to read and intervene in the brain. She also has a strong interest in the philosophy of punishment and has recently combined these interests in her paper: “Drugs that make you feel bad? Remorse based mitigations and neurointerventions”

Professor Jeanette Kennett FAHA
Deputy Director: Centre for Agency Values and Ethics
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Arts
Level 2, The Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Avenue

tel:+61 2 98501047<tel:%2B61%202%2098501047>

Team Leader: Australian Neurolaw Database Project


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