[SydPhil] Notification: Matthew Hammerton @ Thu 5 Jul 2018 15:00 - 16:30 (AEST) (Current Projects)

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Wed Jul 4 14:59:50 AEST 2018

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Title: Matthew Hammerton
Three Fault Lines in Ethics
When classifying moral theories, which categories are most fundamental? A  
traditional answer to this question divides moral theories into  
consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. However, I argue that this  
division is non-exclusive, non-exhaustive, and unhelpful because it  
conflates different areas of concern in moral theorizing. I then suggest  
that there are three fundamental distinctions (or fault lines) we should  
use to classify moral theories. They are the relative/neutral fault line,  
the normative priority fault line, and the value-maximizing/non-maximizing  
fault line. Each of these fault lines is logically independent of the  
others, and each reflects a different area of concern in moral theory.  
Furthermore, thinking of moral theories in terms of these fault lines can  
help us to clarify old debates (e.g. between utilitarians and Kantians),  
see new theoretical possibilities, and make progress in comparative ethics.
When: Thu 5 Jul 2018 15:00 – 16:30 Eastern Time - Melbourne, Sydney
Where: University of Sydney, philosophy common room
Calendar: Current Projects
     * Kristie Miller- creator

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