[SydPhil] talk on memory in social networks, Macquarie, Tuesday 5 June

John Sutton john.sutton at mq.edu.au
Thu May 31 09:33:23 AEST 2018

Contact: Amanda Barnier (amanda.barnier at mq.edu.au)

Cognition in (social) context: A psychologically-grounded approach to the formation of collective memory

Speaker : Dr Alin Coman, Department of Psychology, Woodrow Wilson School , Princeton University.
Date : 5th of June 2018, 11:00AM until 12:00PM
Location : Australian Hearing Hub (16 University Avenue), 3.610 (main seminar room, Level 3), Macquarie University.

Communication is a fundamental feature of creatures as social as humans. It helps us exchange information, jointly solve problems, and coordinate our actions. Using a social-interactionist approach I will show how communication allows for community-wide synchronization of memories. To illustrate this approach, I will start from a well-established cognitive phenomenon, then investigate how it is influenced by the social context in which it is manifested, and finally explore how dyadic-level influences facilitated by this cognitive phenomenon propagate in social networks to give rise to large-scale outcomes. Using this framework, we have mapped how the conversational remembering of past events leads to the formation of collective memories in social networks. This approach, I claim, could be applied more generally to bridge between micro-level cognitive processes and large-scale social outcomes.

Alin will be visiting until late June and is happy to meet and chat with colleagues.

Professor John Sutton

Department of Cognitive Science

Macquarie University

Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

john.sutton at mq.edu.au



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