[SydPhil] MQ Philosophy Talk: Tuesday, 8 May, 1-2pm, Blackshield room: Sarah Sorial (UOW)

Adam Hochman adam.hochman at mq.edu.au
Fri May 4 16:15:32 AEST 2018

Deliberative democracy, exclusion, and inequality: re-thinking speaker/hearer obligations

Sarah Sorial (UOW)

Date: 8 May
Time: 13:00-14:00
Venue: Blackshield Room, W3A (6 First Walk) 501*
All welcome

*Note the changing venues this semester

Abstract: More recently, deliberative democracy has taken an “institutional turn.” The current focus is on how the theory can be institutionalised in various ways through “mini-publics”, including in citizen’s juries, citizen’s assemblies, and deliberative polls, to name a few, and how these institutions can be better designed to compensate for existing inequalities between speakers. Institutions should no doubt be designed to ensure a diversity of views are represented, that participants have an equal opportunity to speak, and to have their views seriously considered.
However, in focusing on how small scale institutions can be better designed, the importance of informal and less regulated deliberative sites seems to have dropped out of the discussion, together with ways in which these deliberative sites can be more democratic. In this paper, I suggest that one of the ways in which problems of exclusion from deliberation and inequality within deliberation can be ameliorated if to pay closer attention to the responsibilities speakers have in facilitating inclusive and equitable deliberative exchanges, especially those speakers who occupy positions of social privilege or advantage.
Contact: Adam Hochman (adam.hochman at mq.edu.au<mailto:adam.hochman at mq.edu.au>) or Mike Olson (michael.olson at mq.edu.au<mailto:michael.olson at mq.edu.au>)

A google calendar with details of other events in this series is available here<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/jxgwCK1qJZtLzyzwcMjZUX?domain=michael-olson.com>.

Dr Adam Hochman | Lecturer in Philosophy
Department of Philosophy | 2nd Floor, Australian Hearing Hub
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
Staff Profile | http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/faculties_and_departments/faculty_of_arts/department_of_philosophy/staff/adam_hochman/

Academia.edu Page | https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0CcLCL7rK8tLyDyOcqKy_O?domain=mq.academia.edu

Philpapers Page | https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/sBjFCMwvLQTjMyM8HJ1kbu?domain=philpapers.org

Personal Website | adamhochman.com
T: +61 2 9850 8859<tel:%2B61%202%209850%206895>  |  arts.mq.edu.au<http://arts.mq.edu.au/>
[Macquarie University]<http://mq.edu.au/>

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