[SydPhil] CAVE Workshop: Mental Health and Agency, Feb 28 - March 1, Macquarie

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Thu Feb 15 21:03:54 AEDT 2018

Hi all,

The first CAVE Workshop for this year is on mental health and agency. To register to attend, please contact Kelly at arts.cave at mq.edu.au. All welcome!

Mental Health and Agency

Date: Wednesday 28 February - Thursday 1 March 2018
Time: Wednesday 13:00 - 17:25; Thursday 09:20 - 13:20
Venue: TBC, Macquarie University

This workshop aims at exploring the interrelation between mental health and agency in psychopathological populations (e.g., autism or schizophrenia) with respect to (i) cognition, (ii) therapy, and (iii) moral implications. It is connected to Dr. Anika Fiebich’s visit whose aim is to evaluate and develop aspects of her current project “Mental Illness and Cooperation” in Milan, particularly with respect to (failures) of moral commitments.

Preliminary Program

Wednesday 28 February

13:00 - 13:20 : Registration

13:20 - 13:30 : Welcome

Session 1: Cognition

  *   13:30 - 14:20 : Dominic Murphy (University of Sydney), "Delusions Across Cultures"
  *   14:25 - 15:15 : Anike Fiebich (University of Milan), "Pluralism, social cognition and interaction in autism"

15:15 - 15:40 : Coffee Break

Session 2: Therapy

  *   15:40 - 16:30 : Daniel Hutto (University of Wollongong), "How narratives matter to mental health"
  *   16:35 - 17:25 : Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis), "DBS, OCD, the 4Es and the 4As"

19:15 : Conference Dinner

Thursday 1 March

Session 3: Moral Implications

  *   09:20 - 10:10 : Anne Schwenkenbecher (University of Perth), "Do group agents resemble psychopaths and if so, what does that mean for moral responsibility?"
  *   10:10 - 11:05 : Neil Sinhababu (University of Singapore), "Emotional perception and blameworthy psychopaths"

11: 10 - 11:30 : Coffee Break

  *   11:30 - 12:20 : Daphne Brandenburg (Macquarie/Radboud), "A case study of Strawsonian exemption"
  *   12:25 - 13:15 : Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie University), "Moral security, mental agency, and mental health"

13:20 : Conference Close

All welcome!

Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: mq.edu.au/cave<http://cave.mq.edu.au>

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