[SydPhil] Advance information: Marx 2.0-symposium at UNSW Sydney, February 22-23, 2018

Heikki Ikaheimo h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au
Wed Jan 31 15:25:07 AEDT 2018

Marx 2.0
A symposium at UNSW Sydney, School of Humanities and Languages
February 22-23, 2018
Morven Brown G3

Thursday, February 22
9.30             Welcome
9.45-11.00    Michael Quante (University of Muenster): Positive liberty as realizing the essence of man
11.00-12.15  Douglas Moggach (University of Ottawa): Marx as Post-Kantian Perfectionist? Reconsidering Left-Hegelian Debates
12.15-1.45    Lunch
1.45-3          Thomas Gutmann (University of Muenster): Marx, Alienation, Individual Rights?
3-4.15           Heikki Ikäheimo (UNSW Sydney): Rehabilitating Species Essence
4.15-4.45      Coffee
4.45-6.00      Charles Barbour (Western Sydney University): The Young Republican: Marx Before Communism

Friday, February 23
9.30-10.45    Samuel Chambers (Johns Hopkins): As The Hart Pants…; Or, Money is Not a Commodity: Marx’s Unorthodox Account of Money, and Why it Matters
10.45-12.00  Carleton Christensen (Australian National University): Abstractly Human Labour and the Reduction to Concrete Labour
12.00-1.30    Lunch
1.30-2.45      Jean-Philippe Deranty (Macquarie University): Marx in the age of automation
2.45-4.00      Andy Blunden (Independent, Melbourne): Capital and the Ur-praxis of the fight for socialism
4.00-4.30      Coffee
4.30-5.45      Thomas Meyer (University of Muenster): Was Engels the first causal interventionist?

Free admission, but due to limited seating please email the organizer if you would like to attend: Heikki Ikäheimo, UNSW Sydney, h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au>

Program and other information available online soon.

Heikki Ikäheimo
Senior lecturer
School of Humanities and Languages/Philosophy
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052

Email: h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:heikki.ikaheimo at mq.edu.au>
Tel. 04-23131713
Editor of Journal of Social Ontology: www.degruyter.com/view/j/jso<https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/RcwrCxnMRvt9LDRQHYrUxx?domain=degruyter.com>

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