[SydPhil] Two Fixed-Term Lecturer Positions in Philosophy at the University of Sydney

Nicholas Smith nicholas.smith at sydney.edu.au
Fri Oct 20 07:40:55 AEDT 2017

The University of Sydney is advertising two fixed-term Lecturer positions in Philosophy:

Lecturer in Philosophy (Epistemology, Metaphysics and Logic)
Four-year fixed-term position at Level B, commencing January 2018
For further details and to apply:

Lecturer in Philosophy (Ethics and Critical Thinking)
Three-year fixed-term position at Level B, commencing January 2018
For further details and to apply:

Applications close 11:30pm, 12 November 2017 (Sydney time).


Nicholas J.J. Smith FAHA
Professor of Philosophy
Chair of Department
Department of Philosophy, Main Quadrangle A14, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
+61 2 9036 6242
nicholas.smith at sydney.edu.au

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