[SydPhil] Notification: Ryan Cox @ Thu 12 Oct 2017 15:00 - 16:30 (Current Projects)

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Fri Oct 6 14:59:54 AEDT 2017

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Title: Ryan Cox
Title: Self-Knowledge and Made Up Minds

Abstract: In this talk, I address the most pressing objection to the  
deliberative theory of self-knowledge: the made up minds objection.  
According to this objection, the deliberative theory cannot, on pain of  
manifest implausibility, give the same answer or similar answers to the  
following two questions: (i) How do I answer the question of whether I  
believe that P when my mind is already made up about whether to believe  
that P?; and (ii) How do I answer the question of whether I believe that P  
when my mind isn’t already made up about whether to believe that P? Since,  
according to the made up minds objection, any plausible theory of  
self-knowledge must give the same answer or similar answers to these  
questions, it follows that the deliberative theory is not a plausible  
theory. I argue that the made up minds objection fails, since no plausible  
theory of self-knowledge can give the same or similar answers to these  
questions. I then consider a follow-up objection put in terms of how I come  
to know whether I believe that P, rather than in terms of how I answer the  
question of whether I believe that P, and argue that this objection also  
fails, but for a different reason: the deliberative theory can give the  
same answer to both (i) the question of how I come to know whether I  
believe that P when my mind is already made up about whether to believe  
that P and (ii) the question of how I come to know whether I believe that P  
when my mind isn’t already made up about whether to believe that P. Indeed,  
I will suggest that it may well give the best answer to these questions.
When: Thu 12 Oct 2017 15:00 – 16:30 Eastern Time - Melbourne, Sydney
Where: The Muniment Room
Calendar: Current Projects
     * Kristie Miller- creator

Event details:  

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