[SydPhil] CFP CLOSING SEPTEMBER 15 | Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference 2017

Timothy Laurie Timothy.Laurie at uts.edu.au
Mon Sep 11 13:02:17 AEST 2017

CFP CLOSING SEPTEMBER 15 | Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference 2017

ASCP 2017: November 28 - December 1, University of Tasmania, Hobart
CFP Due: 15th September, 2017
W: www.utas.edu.au/humanities/events/australasian-society-for-continental-philosophy-conference-2017<http://www.utas.edu.au/humanities/events/australasian-society-for-continental-philosophy-conference-2017>
FB: https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/9OVQB5Ua06EqHl?domain=facebook.com

The 2017 annual conference of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP) will take place at the University of Tasmania's Sandy Bay Campus, 29 November - 1 December, with a dedicated day for postgraduate development and the opening reception on 28 November. The ASCP provides a broad intellectual forum for scholars working within, or in communication with, European philosophical traditions. Its annual conference is the largest event devoted to continental philosophy in Australasia. For the 2017 conference, we seek to challenge commonplace understandings of the boundaries of scholarship in continental philosophy, with a particular focus on the role of feminist, postcolonial and ecological thought in transforming the key questions that drive philosophical inquiry.


"Fanonian Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis"
Lewis Gordon | University of Connecticut

'"With a lever...": Beckett, Badiou and the Logics of Sexual Difference  '
Sigi Jottkandt | University of New South Wales

'Judging in Times of Crisis: Wonder, Admiration, and Emulation'
Marguerite La Caze | University of Queensland

'Reflective Judgment, Sensus Communis, and Human Relations to the Natural World'
Elaine Miller | Miami University

There will also be a plenary panel on the work of Moira Gatens (University of Sydney).
If you have submitted an abstract to ASCP and *not* received an email receipt, there is a high chance that your submission has not worked properly. So, please resubmit your abstract and double-check that you receive an email receipt. We sincerely apologise for this inconvenience.

Please submit a 250 word abstract and 50 word bio at: www.utas.edu.au/humanities/events/australasian-society-for-continental-philosophy-conference-2017<http://www.utas.edu.au/humanities/events/australasian-society-for-continental-philosophy-conference-2017><http://www.utas.edu.au/humanities/events/australasian-society-for-continental-philosophy-conference-2017>. Please nominate in the abstract for your paper whether you would like a 45min timeslot (30min presentation, 15min Q&A) or 30min timeslot (20min presentation, 10min Q&A). If you wish to submit a 2 or 3 person Panel Proposal, simply upload a word document containing the 250 word abstracts, the details of presenters (names, email addresses, affiliations, bios) and a title for the panel.

ASCP welcomes all abstract submissions broadly in continental philosophy or associated fields. For those interested, you can also nominate a thematic "stream" for your submission (submissions outside streams are also welcome):

-          Topographies and Ecologies | Convenors: Larelle Bossi and Jeff Malpas
-          Dialogues | Convenors: Timothy Laurie and Hannah Stark
-          Hegel and German Idealism | Convened by the Australian Hegel Society
-          Precarity and Resilience | Convenors: Briohny Walker and Erin Hortle
-          Rights, Oppression, Exploitation | Convenor: Louise Richardson-Self
-          Art and Aesthetics | Convenor: Llewellyn Negrin

More detailed descriptions of the streams are available on the website. For broad queries about abstract submissions, feel free to contact Hannah Stark (hannah.stark at utas.edu.au<mailto:hannah.stark at utas.edu.au>) and Timothy Laurie (timothy.laurie at uts.edu.au<mailto:timothy.laurie at uts.edu.au>).

On November 28 there will be a day dedicated to issues and conversations relevant to postgraduates and ECRs in Australia, including:

Philosophy Outside the Institution
Elese Dowden, Laura Roberts, Bryan Mukandi

On Subjectivity in Universities: Navigating Institutions and Professional Wellbeing
Michelle Boulous-Walker, Remy Low

More events TBC

The ASCP awards a limited number of bursaries to assist postgraduate and under-employed academics to participate in the conference, in the case that they otherwise would not be able to attend. To be eligible for support, you will need to reside within Australasia (Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia). When assessing applications, the ASCP committee may also take into consideration a range of factors including applicants' access to forums in which to present their work and stage of candidacy/career, as well as equity and diversity considerations.

Conference convenors: Hannah Stark and Timothy Laurie
Conference organising committee: Louise Richardson-Self, Briohny Walker, Erin Hortle, Larelle Bossi and Jeff Malpas

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