[SydPhil] MQ Philosophy Seminar on Tuesday the 23rd of May: Joe Hughes (UniMelb)

Adam Hochman adam.hochman at mq.edu.au
Sat May 20 17:18:07 AEST 2017

The Crook of the Turn: On the Origin of Negation in Maurice Blanchot’s Critical Writings, 1943-1955

Joe Hughes (UniMelb)

Date: Tuesday, 23rd of May
Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Venue: W6A 708, Macquarie University
All welcome

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to reconstruct two conceptual patterns that structure Blanchot’s postwar critical writings.  The first is an overtly rhetorical structure that shapes Blanchot’s major theoretical statements from ‘Literature and the Right to Death’ to The Space of Literature. My contention is that this structure necessarily collapses, as a function of the intimacy of communication, into the second: a theory of the literary work and its language. The terminal concept of this latter assemblage is a certain ‘aleatory point’, which Blanchot variously characterizes as ‘central’, ‘ambiguous’, ‘obscure’, ‘unique’, ‘original’ and so on. I argue that this grounding ‘point’ in fact constitutes a decisive and original position in the field of postwar responses to Heidegger’s guiding question in ‘What is Metaphysics?’: where are we to locate the origin of negation?

Contact: Adam Hochman (adam.hochman at mq.edu.au<mailto:adam.hochman at mq.edu.au>) or Mike Olson (michael.olson at mq.edu.au<mailto:michael.olson at mq.edu.au>)

A google calendar with details of other events in this series is available for viewing and subscription by following this link: goo.gl/3Iu7hk<https://goo.gl/3Iu7hk>


Adam Hochman
Lecturer in Philosophy & Macquarie University Research Fellow

Department of Philosophy | W6A, Room 733
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia

Staff Profile | http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/faculties_and_departments/faculty_of_arts/department_of_philosophy/staff/adam_hochman/

Academia.edu Page | https://mq.academia.edu/AdamHochman

Philpapers Page | http://philpapers.org/profile/48626

Personal Website | adamhochman.com

T: +61 2 9850 8859<tel:%2B61%202%209850%206895>  |  arts.mq.edu.au<http://arts.mq.edu.au/><http://arts.mq.edu.au/><http://mq.edu.au/>

[Macquarie University]<http://mq.edu.au/>

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