[SydPhil] Seminar: On Authenticity and Race, Adam Hochman, Fri 26 May, Macquarie

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Thu May 18 13:39:06 AEST 2017

Hi all,

CAVE member Adam Hochman is giving a paper tomorrow, as part of the interdisciplinary seminar series, Markers of Authenticity. Information about his talk below. If you'd like information about the rest of the series, please visit the Markers of Authenticity website<https://markersofauthenticity.wordpress.com/>. All welcome, no registration required.

Date: Friday May 26

Time: 1:00–2:30 pm

Venue: W6A 308 (Ancient Cultures Research Centre Seminar Room), Macquarie University (P12 on campus map<http://www.mq.edu.au/__data/assets/image/0010/183556/Campus-Map.png>)

Adam Hochman (Philosophy), ‘On Authenticity and Race’

Response: Andrew Gillett (Ancient History)

Abstract: Discussion connecting race and authenticity tends to focus on the issue of ‘authentic’ racial identity. In this conversation, Hochman will explore some other, under-examined connections between the concepts. making the case that social constructionism about race – understood as the view that race is a social kind – creates a range of authenticity problems. It is unclear which groups count as de facto races under a social definition of the concept. Is there, or has there ever been, a Jewish race? A Muslim race? Consequently, it is unclear who has the appropriate expertise to speak about race. This problem appears especially in debates about whether race is modern. In other words, who are the ‘authentic’ race scholars? Hochman will suggest a solution to these authenticity problems, which involves a thoroughgoing rejection of racial ontology, and the replacement of race with the category of the racialized group.


Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: mq.edu.au/cave<http://cave.mq.edu.au>

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