[SydPhil] CAVE: Bioethics Reading Group, Macquarie University

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Tue Feb 14 12:23:19 AEDT 2017

Hi all,

The Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics (CAVE) will be starting up the Bioethics reading group for this year. This group meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month, to read papers in the broad area of bioethics as nominated by the group members. All are welcome to join in!

Date of first meeting: Wednesday 22 February

Time: 14:30 - 16:00

Venue: Building W6A room 720, Macquarie University

If you're interested in participating or being added to the mailing list, please contact Yves: yves-saint-james.aquino at hdr.mq.edu.au

You can see what other events we have planned by visiting our webpage (mq.edu.au/cave) or following us on Facebook (facebook.com/MQCAVE).

Have a lovely day,


Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: mq.edu.au/cave<http://cave.mq.edu.au>

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