[SydPhil] CAVE Public Lecture: David Matas, "Policy and Law for Australia to Prevent Complicity in Foreign Transplant Abuse" (Nov 23, Macquarie)
Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics
arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Thu Nov 17 12:51:33 AEDT 2016
Hi all,
You are invited to the annual Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics (CAVE) public lecture. We are pleased to announce that this year's lecture will be given by international human rights lawyer David Matas on the issue of foreign organ transplant abuse.
Because of a shortage of organs, patients in need of transplants wait long periods. Some become desperate enough to undertake transplant tourism involving unethically sourced organs. What are the professional ethical and legal standards that Australia could develop to prevent complicity in foreign transplant abuse? David will discuss national and international standards that minimise local complicity in organ transplant abuse, drawing on his expertise on Chinese sourcing of organs from executed prisoners of conscience.
"Policy and Law for Australia to Prevent Complicity in Foreign Transplant Abuse"
Date: Wednesday 23 November 2016 (next week!)
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Venue: W5A Theatre 2, Macquarie University (O14 on the campus map<http://www.mq.edu.au/__data/assets/image/0010/183556/campus_map.png>)
All are welcome and there is no cost, but please register for catering purposes. Register here: Link<http://www.cvent.com/d/qvqzn1>.
Abstract: Various professional and international organizations have developed standards to avoid local complicity in foreign transplant abuse, such as receiving unethically sourced organs. This lecture will run through what those standards are. There is substantial evidence of transplant abuse in China. The standards will be applied, in the form of a case study, to indicate what can be done to avoid complicity in transplant abuse in China. I consider what professional, national and international institutions both have done and could do to reduce complicity. For professional institutions, the talk will address how the standards apply to The Transplantation Society and the World Medical Association. For international institutions, the talk will consider the standards in relation to the European Union, the World Health Organization, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Office for Drugs and Crimes. For national institutions, the talk will consider standards in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
About Mr. Matas:
David Matas is an international human rights lawyer, author and researcher based in Winnipeg and currently acts as Senior Honorary Counsel for B’nai Brith Canada. He has served the government of Canada in numerous positions including as member of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations Conference on an International Criminal Court; the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research; and the Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe Conferences on Antisemitism and Intolerance. He has also been involved in several different organizations, including the Canadian Helsinki Watch Group, Beyond Borders, Amnesty International, and the Canadian Council for Refugees.
Mr Matas has received numerous awards and honors, including the Manitoba Bar Association Distinguished Service Award in 2008, the Order of Canada in 2009, the Canadian Bar Association National Citizenship and Immigration Section Achievement Award in 2009, and the International Society for Human Rights Swiss Section Human Rights Prize in 2010.
In 2006, Mr Matas co-authored Bloody Harvest: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China alongside Hon. David Kilgour. Both Mr Matas and Mr Kilgour were nominated for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize for this work.
David Matas is a co-author of the 2016 investigative report An Update to Bloody Harvest and The Slaughter. The report meticulously examines the transplant programs of hundreds of hospitals in China, drawing on media reports, official propaganda, medical journals, hospital websites and a vast amount of deleted websites found in archives.
His other works include Why Did You Do That? The Autobiography of a Human Rights Advocate; Justice Delayed: Nazi War Criminals in Canada with Susan Charendoff; Closing the Doors: The Failure of Refugee Protection with Ilana Simon; No More: The Battle Against Human Rights Violations; Bloody Words: Hate and Free Speech; and Aftershock: Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism.
All welcome!
Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: mq.edu.au/cave<http://cave.mq.edu.au>
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