[SydPhil] The Inaugural Conference of the Australian Hegel Society (UNSW Australia, Sydney, September 29-30, 2016)
Heikki Ikaheimo
h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au
Wed Sep 28 11:59:15 AEST 2016
The Inaugural Conference of the Australian Hegel Society
UNSW Australia, Sydney (School of Humanities and Languages/Philosophy)
29-30 Sep, 2016
Morven Brown G6 (map ref C20)
Keynote Speakers Angelica Nuzzo (City University, New York) and Paul Redding (University of Sydney)
Thursday, 29th September
09:45 Welcome
10:00 Angelica Nuzzo, Morality, Ethical Life and the Realization of Freedom in Hegel
11:15 Break
11:40 Ulrich Schlösser, Action, Language and Confession in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
12:20 Loughlin Gleeson, Contra Pippin: an Evaluative essentialist and Holistic Reading of Hegelian Concrete Freedom
13:00 Lunch
02:00 Charlotte Epstein, Recognition, Misrecognition and The Role of the Negative in International Relations: The Case For Returning to Hegel
02:40 Nicholas Smith, How should a Hegelian think about Unconditional Basic Income?
03:20 Andy Blunden, Artefact-Mediated: Intersubjectivity as the Basis for Non-Metaphysical Appropriation of Hegel
04:00 Break
04:30 Inja Stracenski, Ontology without a Substratum: Hegel's Science of Logic as "Metaphysics Proper"
05:10 Giovanna Luciano, Reason and Subjectivity: on Hegel's early Jena Writings
Conference Dinner
Friday, 30th Septemeber 2016
10:00 Paul Redding, Hegel, Logic and the Nature of Mental Contents
11:15 Break
11:30 Dennis Schmidt, On the Idioms of Spirit: Art and Truth for Hegel
12:10 Lunch
01:05 Annual General Meeting of the Australian Hegel Society
01:50 Heikki Ikäheimo, Hegel and Marx on the Human Essence
02:30 Daniel Lopez, In Defence of Hegel: A Counter-Critique of Marx's Early Reading
03:10 Catherine Moir, The Politics of Utopia: Bloch and Hegel in the GDR
03:50 Break
04:10 Diego Bubbio, The I and World History in Hegel
04:50 Simon Lumsden, Is Ethical Life a Community?
Organising Committee:
Jean-Philippe Deranty, Macquarie University
Heikki Ikäheimo, UNSW Australia
Simon Lumsden, UNSW Australia
Giovanna Luciano, Western Sydney University / Università di Padova
Conference website:
Heikki Ikäheimo
Senior lecturer
School of Humanities and Languages/Philosophy
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052
Email: h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:heikki.ikaheimo at mq.edu.au>
Tel. 04-23131713
Editor of Journal of Social Ontology: www.degruyter.com/view/j/jso
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