[SydPhil] CAVE: Call for Registration: The Feeling of Suffering, 18-19 February 2016

Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics arts.cave at mq.edu.au
Fri Jan 15 13:34:35 AEDT 2016

The Value of Suffering Project in collaboration with the Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics is pleased to issue a call for registration for an interdisciplinary conference on The Feeling of Suffering.

The conference will be held from 18-19 February, 2016 at Macquarie University.

Remarkably, it is often neglected that suffering also has a "phenomenology"; that is, it feels a certain way, typically unpleasant. But this neglected fact raises fascinating philosophical and ethical questions. What is the significance of how suffering feels? Could physical and emotional suffering have played their crucial roles-could they have had the same motivational force, for example-without feeling unpleasant? What is the relationship between suffering and pleasure? Does the feeling of suffering have ethical significance over and above being in a state that merely feels bad? Can neuroimaging and other advances in technology overcome the traditional assumption that suffering is an irreducibly private experience? These questions provide much-needed illumination of the nature, the role, and indeed the very idea of phenomenology, and of the similarities and differences between suffering and pleasure.

This workshop will bring together philosophers, psychologists, bioethicists, and practitioners to explore these issues over two days.

                                                Confirmed speakers include:

David Bain (Philosophy, University of Glasgow )

Brock Bastian (Psychology, University of New South Wales)

Michael Brady (Philosophy, University of Glasgow)

Jennifer Corns (Philosophy, University of Glasgow)

Cindy Harmon-Jones (Psychology, University of New South Wales)

Julia Hush (Physiotherapy, Macquarie University)

Laura Ferris (Psychology, University of Queensland)

Jolanda Jetten (Psychology, University of Queensland)

Colin Klein (Philosophy, Macquarie University)

Lorimer Moseley (Neuroscience & Physiotherapy, University of South Australia)

Wendy Rogers (Clinical Ethics, Macquarie University)

Luke Russell (Philosophy, University of Sydney)

The conference is funded by the John Templeton Foundation, as part of the larger project: The Value of Suffering: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of the Nature, Meaning, and Role of Affective Experiences, and the Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics.

The Value of Suffering Project is an international, interdisciplinary research project headed by principal investigators David Bain and Michael Brady whose aim is to foster multidisciplinary exploration of the roles that affective experiences-suffering in particular-play in our lives.

The Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values, and Ethics provides a platform for interaction and collaboration between researchers in philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, law, medicine, applied ethics and bioethics. A distinctive feature is its focus upon the philosophical, ethical and legal issues raised by the cognitive neurosciences.

For more information, please visit our website: http://www.valueofsuffering.co.uk/

The conference is free and open to the public, but registration is necessary for catering purposes. To register or for further inquiries please email Jennifer Corns: jencorns at gmail.com<mailto:jencorns at gmail.com>

Macquarie University Research Centre for Agency, Values and Ethics (CAVE)
Department of Philosophy
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
CAVE website: cave.mq.edu.au<http://cave.mq.edu.au>

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