[SydPhil] Joint MQ Philosophy and CAVE seminar: Jennifer Radden

Rachael Brown rachael.brown at mq.edu.au
Wed Oct 7 14:10:05 AEDT 2015

*Please note the following upcoming joint-event as part of both the
Macquarie University Philosophy Seminar Series, and Centre for Agency,
Values and Ethics (CAVE) Seminar Series.*

*"Folly, Melancholy, Madnesse are but one disease: Feelings and Reasoning
Norms in the Anatomy of Melancholy and today's Mind Sciences"*

*Jennifer Radden (University of Massachusetts Boston)*

*Time: 13:00 - 14:30 *** PLEASE NOTE EXTENDED SESSION LENGTH***Venue: W3A
501 (Blackshield Room)*

Relying on Stoic philosophical ideas, Burton's *Anatomy* (1621) presents
the case that the unavoidable sadness and sorrow we feel in response to
life's vicissitudes are matched by, and tied to, unavoidably errant and
mistaken reasoning. In this respect, I show, the *Anatomy* anticipates
findings and debates in the mind sciences of today. Disputes over
distresses that are normal and adaptive rather than pathological ("normal
sadness," not depression), are the focus of one of these; the second
involves the finding that bias and inaccuracy are built into the structure
of normal thought patterns. Using Stoic ideas, Burton links the norms
guiding feeling and reasoning, and the aim of this paper is to critically
evaluate that relationship and the Stoic claims in light of contemporary
Contact: arts.cave at mq.edu.au

A google calendar with details of other events in this series is available
for viewing and subscription by following this link:

For more information about CAVE see http://cave.mq.edu.au, about MQ
philosophy see http://phil.mq.edu.au.


13 Oct Jennifer Radden (UMass) (Joint CAVE seminar)

20 Oct TBA

27 Oct Daniel Hutto (Wollongong)

3 Nov Luke Russell (Sydney) (Joint CAVE seminar)
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