[SydPhil] Prof. Linda Alcoff on Rape and Resistance

Nikolas Kompridis Nikolas.Kompridis at acu.edu.au
Thu Sep 17 07:52:29 AEST 2015

Prof Linda Alcoff to speak on Rape and Resistance

Rape and the Questions of Experience
17 September, 1pm - 3pm

Global Echoes of Rape and Resistance
18 September, 1pm -3pm

Both talks will take place on Level 18, 18 AB at Tenison Woods House on ACU's North Sydney Campus

For more information please visit: http://isj.acu.edu.au/news/event-listing/

Linda MartÍn Alcoff is Professor of Philosophy at Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate Centre, and is a
Professorial Fellow in the Institute for Social Justice at ACU. She is the author of Visible Identities:

Race, Gender, and the Self; and Real Knowing: New Versions of the Coherence Theory, as well

as numerous articles and edited collections on social identity and race, epistemology and politics, sexual

violence, Foucault, Dussel, and Latino issues in philosophy. Her newest book, The Future of Whiteness

is out in September, and she is currently completing another book on sexual violence. Professor Alcoff

is the recipient of numerous awards and honours for her work, and has served as past president of the

American Philosophical Association, editor of the journal Hypatia, and co-director of the Society for

Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.

Professor Nikolas Kompridis | Director | Institute for Social Justice
Research Professor in Philosophy and Political Thought
Australian Catholic University, North Sydney (MacKillop) Campus, NSW 2059
W http://isj.acu.edu.au/  P + 61 2 9739 2728  E nikolas.kompridis at acu.edu.au<mailto:nikolas.kompridis at acu.edu.au>
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