[SydPhil] blackheath philosophy forum may 9

Sandra Jobson Darroch sjd at cybersydney.com.au
Mon May 4 08:28:04 AEST 2015


    *SATURDAY MAY 9 - 4PM-6PM*


    In mathematics, you sit in the armchair and think (like philosophy),
    but you prove results that everyone accepts (unlike philosophy), and
    they apply to the real world (like physics, but without the hard
    work of experiment). How is that possible? *James Franklin* explains
    the Aristotelian realist philosophy of mathematics of the ‘Sydney
    School’, which holds that mathematics is a science of the
    quantitative and structural properties of the world. (No technical
    knowledge of mathematics is needed to appreciate this talk.)

    *Speaker: James Franklin*, Professor of Mathematics, University of NSW

    The Forum meets at the Blackheath Neighbourhood Centre, cnr Gardiner
    Crescent & the Great Western Highway, 4pm-6pm, followed by informal
    discussion at the pub.Admission $10 includes a big afternoon tea
    before question time. Hall is heated.All welcome!

    For more program details please go to blackheathphilosophy.org

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