[SydPhil] Notification: Brian Hedden, Sydney @ Wed 15 Apr 2015 13:00 - 14:30 (Seminars)

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Tue Apr 14 13:00:12 AEST 2015

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Title: Brian Hedden, Sydney
Uniqueness and Metaepistemology

We defend Uniqueness, the claim that given a body of total evidence, there  
is a uniquely rational doxastic state that it is rational for one to be  
in.  Epistemic rationality doesn't give you any leeway in forming your  
beliefs.  To this end, we bring in two metaepistemological pictures about  
the roles played by rational evaluations.  Rational evaluative terms serve  
to guide our practices of deference to the opinions of others, and also to  
help us formulate contingency plans about what to believe in various  
situations.  We argue that Uniqueness vindicates these two roles for  
rational evaluations, while Permissivism clashes with them.

When: Wed 15 Apr 2015 13:00 - 14:30 Eastern Time - Melbourne, Sydney
Where: Muniment Room (S401), Main Quad, Univ of Sydney
Calendar: Seminars
     * Dalia Nassar- creator

Event details:  

Invitation from Google Calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/

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