[SydPhil] FW: UNSW Arts & Social Sciences Public Lecture, Professor Alain Badiou, Cinema And Philosophy, Thursday 27 November
Paul Patton
prp at unsw.edu.au
Mon Oct 20 14:58:13 AEDT 2014
Special Event: Professor Alain Badiou, Cinema and Philosophy
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UNSW Arts & Social Sciences presents:
Professor Alain Badiou
Cinema & Philosophy
Thursday 27 November, 2014, 6.30pm
Colombo Theatre A, UNSW Kensington
[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/ce2b24ac496198804ce9e22c5/images/b36821f5-585c-4bf4-8e78-e96ad3f1941a.jpg]Abstract: Alain Badiou has been writing on cinema for over fifty years. This talk will address several of the key ideas which animate his decidedly philosophical engagement with what he calls 'the impure art of cinema,' an engagement oriented by the simple axiom: cinema thinks. This talk will develop both the philosophical framework for this treatment of cinema as a thought and delineate what, as an art which incorporates key elements of several others - music, poetry, theatre – it is that cinema thinks. Cinema thinks between the arts it incorporates, between the viewer and the medium, between itself and the contemporary world, and between the subjects to which cinema gives form. Moving from the experiential through the political to the philosophical, the talk reconsiders cinema as an art of our time.
Biography: Alain Badiou taught at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis) from 1969 until 1999, when he returned to ENS as the Chair of the philosophy department. Trained as a mathematician, Alain Badiou is one of the most original French philosophers today. Influenced by Plato, Hegel, Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze, he is an outspoken critic of both the analytic as well as the postmodern schools of thoughts. His philosophy seeks to expose and make sense of the potential of radical innovation (revolution, invention, transfiguration) in every situation – artistic, political, amorous and mathematical. He is the author of several successful novels and plays as well as more than a dozen philosophical works including: Theory of the Subject (1982), Being and Event (1988) and Being and Event II: Logics of Worlds (2005); Being and Event III: The Immanence of Truths is forthcoming. His essay collection, Cinema, was published in 2013.
Event Details
Date: Thursday 27 November, 2014
Time: Drinks Reception 6.30pm, Lecture 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Location: Colombo Theatre A, UNSW Kensington (map ref B16)
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