[SydPhil] FW: Festival of Democracy

Miriam miriam_bankovsky at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 17 14:58:39 AEST 2014

Dear Sydney-siders,

Please find below the program and location details for the Festival of Democracy (organised by the Sydney Democracy Network at USyd). The festival will be held at the University
 of Sydney campus from Wednesday to Saturday of next week (24-27 September). 
Best regards,
Please note: My work days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Dr Miriam Bankovsky
Lecturer in Politics and Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow
Politics, Philosophy and Legal Studies
School of Social Sciences and Communications
La Trobe University | Victoria 3086 Australia
T: 03 9479 2696 | F:
 03 9479 1997 | E: m.bankovsky at latrobe.edu.au
Academic profile
sydneydemocracynetwork.org |

 us on TWITTER: SydDemocracyNtw


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24 - 27 September, 2014

All events are free with online registration 



The Sydney Democracy Network (SDN) invites you to its second annual Festival of Democracy at the University of Sydney from the 24th
 to the 27th of September.  Four full days of talks, debates, workshops, art and cinema will focus on the formidable practical challenges confronting democracy across the globe.

The SDN welcomes the general public to join the discussion on a range of tough issues: disaffection with political parties and the democratic process; the lack of public accountability of Australia’s extractive industries; corruption and political instability
 in China; the crisis in representative democracy; how democracy functions in the face of economic and social inequality; and the rise of anti-democratic regimes.

Speakers and sessions will cover regions as diverse as the Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East.




 for details including PROGRAM and ONLINE BOOKINGS 


DAY 1 Wednesday 24 September

12:00pm Nietzche and 'Democracy to Come' (Talk)

2:00pm Zombie Democracy (Talk)

5:00pm The Coal Dead Hand (Evening event)


10:00am The Uncertain Future of Political Parties (Talk)

12:00pm Voices from Bougainvillle (Launch)

4:00pm Project Z: The Final Global Event (Film)

6:00pm A Million Penises? (Evening


10am Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Talk)

12pm Religion, Hate Spin and Democracy (Talk)

2pm Unique to Humans? (Talk)

4pm The Case for Deliberative Democracy (Talk)


9-5pm The New Despotisms (Symposium)

2:00pm Transfield and the Biennale: Tainted Money or Benefactor? (Gallery talk)

1-5pm People, Power, Democracy (Public Forum)

ART EXHIBITON: Verge Gallery, 26 - 30 September

In partnership with Sydney Democracy Network and Sydney Fringe Festival, Archibald finalist Wang Xu exhibits for the first time a series of works called
 “The silenced: from 1957 until today”, which pays homage to so-called ‘rightists’ who dared to speak out for democracy and freedom of speech in China. Opening reception: Saturday 27, 5pm.










About SDN

Based at the University of Sydney, the SDN is a network of researchers, activists, policy makers and other citizens who share the same goal: to rethink, strengthen and transform the ideals and practices of democracy. 

Our contact address is:

University of Sydney, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Room s504, Quadrangle Building [A14]

NSW 2006

sdn at sydney.edu.au

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Sydney Democracy Network · University of Sydney, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences · Quadrangle Building [A14], Room S504 · Sydney, NSW 2006 · Australia



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