[SydPhil] UOW Philosophy Seminar: Prof. Duncan Ivison "Patriotism, diversity and belonging"

michael kirchhoff michael.david.kirchhoff at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 08:45:47 AEST 2014

UOW Philosophy Seminar, Spring 2014. All are welcome!

Speaker: Professor Duncan Ivison (University of Sydney)

Title: Patriotism, diversity and belonging

Abstract: One of the great challenges of contemporary politics remains how
best to reconcile the deep pluralism of almost all societies with forms of
human solidarity, both within and across borders. In recent years, a number
of both hostile and friendly critics of liberalism have emphasized the need
for our conceptions of citizenship to be more closely connected to
conceptions of a complex, but still genuinely common good. The argument is
that by disconnecting citizenship from a sense of common purpose, it
becomes hollowed out and thus generates alienation and disengagement on the
part of citizens and thus the social and political problems these
conditions inevitably generate. Citizens need to care about their political
community in order to maintain the institutions required to support
individual and collective liberty, social justice, social and political
tolerance and democratic deliberation. Recent political theory has also
seen a decisive turn towards the transnational and the cosmopolitan - and
for good reason. Political theorists have sought to contribute to important
debates around how best to conceptualize the ethical consequences of
globalization and increasing cross-national interconnectedness. But if the
mood is now very much one if favour of cosmopolitan as opposed to national
concern, then what kinds of partial allegiances *are* permissible? More to
the point, what kinds of particular commitments are *required*? Is it the
case that we are *never* morally permitted to prefer our families or fellow
citizens over others with regard to certain obligations?

When: Wednesday 17 September

Time: 3:30 - 5:00pm

Where: Research Hub 19.2072B, building 19

There will be a student seminar from 2:00 - 2:45pm, also in the Research



*Dr. Michael D. Kirchhoff *
Lecturer in Philosophy
School of Humanities and Social Enquiry
Faculty of Law, Humanities and the Arts
University of Wollongong NSW 2522
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