[SydPhil] Invitation: New Perspectives on Kant: A Symposium

Philosophy@UWS Philosophy at uws.edu.au
Tue Jul 22 11:05:43 AEST 2014

Philosophy @ UWS would like to invite you to

New Perspectives on Kant: A Symposium<http://www.uws.edu.au/philosophy/philosophy@uws/events/sponsored_conferences/kant_symposium>

Date & Time: Monday 18 August, 9.00am-4.30pm
Location: Bankstown, Building 5, Meeting Room 05.G.24

The influence of Immanuel Kant's work on philosophy and the Humanities in general has been sustained across more than two centuries, but earlier orthodox understandings and glosses, focused on major texts and central concepts, have now given way to careful analysis of less obvious but important notions, which also have implications for contemporary philosophy. In particular, closer examination of various texts, which have been neglected in the past, such as the Anthropology  and the writings on religion, has opened up new interpretive directions. This seminar brings together scholars working on Kant with the goal of emphasising new perspectives and interpretative angles.

Andrew Benjamin<http://profiles.arts.monash.edu.au/andrew-benjamin> - Kant, Epicurus and Glückseligkeit
Diego Bubbio<http://www.uws.edu.au/staff_profiles/uws_profiles/doctor_diego_bubbio> - Christ as the Symbol of Conversion in Kant's Religion
Jennifer Mensch<http://philosophy.la.psu.edu/directory/jam782> – Rational History, Irrational Heart:  From Anthropology to Grace in Kant
Paul Redding<http://sydney.edu.au/arts/philosophy/staff/profiles/paul.redding.269.php> - To be advised
Bruce Robbins<http://www.columbia.edu/~bwr2001/> - To be advised

Dennis Schmidt<http://philosophy.la.psu.edu/directory/djs61> - Kant's 'Original Ethics

All welcome, please RSVP to philosophy at uws.edu.au<mailto:philosophy at uws.edu.au> by the 10th of August for catering purposes

[Alumni Facebook]Visit Philosophy @ UWS on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/philosophyuws
For further information in Philosophy at UWS, please visit: www.uws.edu.au/philosophy<http://www.uws.edu.au/philosophy>

- - - - - - - - -
Siobhain O’Leary
Administration Coordinator, Philosophy Research Initiative
University of Western Sydney
Bankstown Campus Building 5
Locked Bag 1797
Penrith NSW 2751
+61 2 9772 6190

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