[SydPhil] Robyn Fivush talk "Creating Self Through Family Stories", Macquarie 10.30am Thurs 5 May

John Sutton john.sutton at mq.edu.au
Wed Apr 30 11:44:22 AEST 2014

All welcome.

Next week, Professor Robyn Fivush (Emory University) is visiting us at
Macquarie from Monday 2 June to Thursday 5 June. On Thursday 5 June she
will give an invited lecture on "Creating Self Through Family Stories"
from 10.30am
to 12 noon in the Australian Hearing Hub's Lecture Theatre, Level 1. (The
Australian Hearing Hub is at 16 University Avenue: campus maps at
http://www.mq.edu.au/on_campus/maps/campus_map/ )

Professor Fivush is one of the world's most influential and highly cited
memory researchers. Her work focuses on early memory, with an emphasis on
the social construction of autobiographical memory and the relationships
among memory, narrative, identity, trauma and coping. She has published
over 100 influential books, book chapters, and article and given Keynote
Talks all around the world. She is Director of the Family Narratives Lab,
part of the Child Studies Centre in the Psychology Department of Emory
University. Her work and writings are relevant across psychology,
education, philosophy, health and more.
URLs: http://www.psychology.emory.edu/cognition/fivush/ and

We invite you and your colleagues to join us for Robyn's talk. No RSVP is
required. Can you please send this notice to your departments and networks.

Best wishes,

Professor John Sutton
Deputy Head, Department of Cognitive Science
Macquarie University, Sydney,
NSW 2109, Australia
Phone: +61 (0)2 9850 4132
Email: john.sutton at mq.edu.au
URL: http://www.johnsutton.net/
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