[SydPhil] [UWS seminar] Peter Banki: What is Properly Romantic?

Diego Bubbio D.Bubbio at uws.edu.au
Fri Mar 1 15:54:13 AEDT 2013

Apologies for cross-posting.

Philosophy Seminars 2013
The Writing and Society Research Centre and Philosophy at UWSpresent:

Peter Banki
Associate Member of the Philosophy Research Initiative (UWS)

TITLE: What is Properly Romantic?

DATE/TIME: Wednesday 6 March, 3.30-5pm

PLACE: University of Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus, Building 3, Room 3.G.54  [How to get to Bankstown Campus]<http://www.uws.edu.au/campuses_structure/cas/campuses/bankstown>

In this paper, I will explore this question and the irony that is proper to it through the celebrated readings of Walter Benjamin, Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy, Paul de Man and others. Particular attention will be paid to a chapter in Friedrich Schlegel’s novel Lucinde (1798) and his essay “On Nonunderstanding” (Über die Unverständlichkeit) (1800), which was the final piece included in the journal The Athenaeum.
Consideration will be given to Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy’s thesis in The Literary Absolute that “Romanticism defines the epoch to which we still belong” and also the hypothesis that what is called Romanticism cannot be reduced to any particular epoch, because it is undecidable.

Peter Banki holds a Ph.D in German from New York University (September, 2009) and a D.E.A. in Philosophy from the Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg). He attended Jacques Derrida’s seminars in Paris from 1993-1996, which was a formative experience for his general philosophical orientation. He has published articles in French and English on the work of figures such as Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Martin Heidegger, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Jean-Francois Lyotard as well as recently Simon Wiesenthal’s Die Sonnenblume. His current research interests include Romanticism, Sex/Philosophy and the globalization of scenes of reconciliation and forgiveness.

For the entire 2012 program of the Philosophy seminar series at UWS see: http://www.uws.edu.au/philosophy/philosophy@uws/events/research_seminars_2013

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