[SydPhil] FW: Challenges to the Recognition-Paradigm, a workshop at UNSW, Friday March 8 (poster attached)

Heikki Ikaheimo h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au
Tue Feb 26 15:12:33 AEDT 2013

Here's the poster attached that was missing from my previous email. Sorry for that.

From: sydphil-bounces at arts.usyd.edu.au [sydphil-bounces at arts.usyd.edu.au] on behalf of Heikki Ikaheimo
Sent: Tuesday, 26 February 2013 3:00 PM
To: sydphil at arts.usyd.edu.au
Subject: [SydPhil] Challenges to the Recognition-Paradigm, a workshop at UNSW, Friday March 8 (poster attached)

Challenges to the Recognition-Paradigm
A workshop at UNSW, Friday March 8

Location: Kensington Campus, Morven Brown building, room 310

10.00 Welcome

10.10-11.00     Arto Laitinen (University of Jyväskylä/University of Tampere, Finland)  ‘The ambivalence of social esteem’

11.00-11.50     Doris McIlwain (Macquarie University): ‘The other as whole other or as cluster of narcissistic supplies? On psychopaths, Machiavellians and interpersonal recognition’

11.50-13.10     Lunch

13.10-14.00     James Phillips (UNSW): ‘The Cuckoo's Egg in Honneth's Theory of Recognition: Hegel as Reader of Hobbes’

14.00-14.50     Charlotte Epstein (University of Sydney): ‘Lacanian challenges to the recognition-paradigm’

15.10-16.00     Mark Kelly (University of Western Sydney): ‘Recognition or resistance? Foucault versus Honneth’

16.00-16.50     Heikki Ikäheimo (UNSW): ‘On denial and rejection of interpersonal recognition’

17.10-18.00     Jean-Philippe Deranty (Macquarie University): ‘The Subject of Recognition: The Psychological Debate around Honneth’s Theory of Recognition’

Free admission. For further information, please contact Heikki Ikäheimo (h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au>).

Funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project ‘The Social Ontology of Personhood’, and organized in cooperation with the Academy of Finland project ‘Pathologies of recognition’

This is a sister event to the workshop ‘The Ambivalence of Recognition’ at University of Frankfurt in April 4-6. https://sites.google.com/site/ambivalencerecognition/home?pli=1

Heikki Ikäheimo
Senior lecturer, Australian Research Fellow
School of Humanities/Philosophy
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052

Email: h.ikaheimo at unsw.edu.au<mailto:heikki.ikaheimo at mq.edu.au>
Tel. 04-23131713
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