[SydPhil] Seminar on Animal Ethics at Macquarie

Jane Johnson jane.johnson at mq.edu.au
Mon Dec 3 09:38:55 AEDT 2012

CAVE Special Seminar on Animal Ethics

*Otherwise than Being Human:
Three Talks on Non-anthropocentric Collectivity and Ethical Agency*

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*Animals, Violence and Moral Agency in Post-war Cinema: Marilyn Monroe,
Velma Johnston, Arthur Miller, and John Huston’s “The Misfits” *Dr Robert
McKay, University of Sheffield, UK

*Animals Between Love and Law: Veganism and Animal Ethics* Dr Anat Pick,
Queen Mary University of London, UK

 *Merely Human or More than Human? Our Animal Collectivities* Dr Tom Tyler
Oxford Brookes University, UK

 *2 - 4.30 pm Monday 10th December, 2012*

*Room 708, Building W6A, Macquarie University*


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*For further information contact* Swantje Lorrimer-Mohr
swantje.lorrimer-mohr at mq.edu.au or follow the links at
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