[SydPhil] History and Philosophy of Linguistics Reading group

Nick Riemer nick.riemer at sydney.edu.au
Tue Oct 16 17:17:04 AEDT 2012

History and Philosophy of Linguistics Reading group

Next meeting: Tuesday, October 23, 5.30-7pm, Woolley S361

Reading: Barsalou, L.W., Santos, A., Simmons, W.K., & Wilson, C.D. (2008). Language and simulation in conceptual processing. In M. De Vega, A.M. Glenberg, & A.C. Graesser, A. (Eds.). Symbols, embodiment, and meaning (pp. 245-283). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‘Our theme in this chapter is that multiple systems – not just one – represent knowledge. We focus on two sources of knowledge that we believe have strong empirical support: linguistic forms in the brain’s language systems, and situated simulations in the brain’s modal systems. Although we focus on these two sources of knowledge, we do not exclude the possibility that other types are important as well.’

Reading downloadable from http://psychology.emory.edu/cognition/barsalou/onlinepapers.html

Enquiries: nick.riemer at sydney.edu.au

All welcome!

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