[SydPhil] New MRes in Philosophy at Macquarie University

Richard Menary richard.menary at mq.edu.au
Mon Oct 8 16:02:20 AEDT 2012

Apologies for cross posting.

From 2013 Macquarie University will be replacing the Honours year with a two year Master of Research degree (MRes). Full details of the course structure, funding, available courses and details on how to apply can be found here: http://hdr.mq.edu.au/information_about/research_training_degrees/mres

The Philosophy Department's offerings can be found here: http://www.mq.edu.au/about_us/faculties_and_departments/faculty_of_arts/department_of_philosophy/master_of_research/

The new degree has great financial advantages compared to the Honours year. All domestic students accepted onto the course will be Commonwealth supported. Students accepted into the MRes program will receive a stipend of $8000 for the first year. Students who complete the first year with a grade average of 75 and continue into the second year will receive a stipend of $16,000. The second year will be supported by the Commonwealth Government’s Research Training Scheme, and will thus attract no fees. Students who complete the MRes at a specified level of performance (high distinction average of 85) will be eligible to receive a three-year PhD scholarship including stipend and tuition fees.  Students who successfully complete the first year but do not wish to continue into the second year will graduate with a BPhil. 

In terms of teaching and research, some exciting new courses will be introduced in the department next year. Candidates enrolled in the MRes in Philosophy will consolidate their expertise in key areas of the discipline, and prepare themselves for postgraduate research. 

Interested students can contact Dr. Richard Menary in the first instance at: richard.menary at mq.edu.au




Dr. Richard Menary

Macquarie University

Department of Philosophy

Centre for Cognition and its Disorders


academia.edu site

Phil Papers Profile

Cognitive Integration Palgrave Macmillan and Amazon
The Extended Mind (ed.) MIT Press
Radical Enactivism (ed.) Amazon

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