[SydPhil] Sydney Ideas - The Modern Commercialisation of Science and Living with Climate Change

Meredith Hall meredith.hall at sydney.edu.au
Tue Jul 31 16:25:23 AEST 2012

Select Sydney Ideas August events

Wednesday 1 August 
The Modern Commercialisation of Science is a Passel of Ponzi Schemes 

Professor Philip Mirowski, Carl Koch Chair of Economics and the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Notre Dame, USA, takes a critical look at the commercialisation of science, the commodification of research, and the marketplace of ideas.
Read more  - http://sydney.edu.au/sydney_ideas/lectures/2012/professor_philip_mirowski.shtml 

Monday 20 August 
Living with Climate Change 

Environmental philosopher and ethicist Professor Dale Jamieson, Director of Environmental Studies at New York University, turns his attention to the reality of living with climate change. It still matters how much and how quickly we emit, and in a radically unequal world it matters who does the emitting 
Read more -  http://sydney.edu.au/sydney_ideas/lectures/2012/professor_dale_jamieson.shtml

Where: Law School Foyer, Eastern Avenue, University of Sydney
Cost: Free and open to all with no ticket or booking required
Web: www.sydney.edu.au/sydney_ideas

MEREDITH HALL | Program Manager
Sydney Ideas 
Rm 202, Old Teachers College A22  | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 1935  | M +61 403 367 842
E meredith.hall at sydney.edu.au  | W  http://sydney.edu.au/sydney_ideas

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