[Limdep Nlogit List] random effects tobit vs random coefficient tobit

William Greene wgreene at stern.nyu.edu
Mon Jan 18 02:59:19 EST 2010

Andreas. You are comparing a simulated log likelihood (the RPM) to one
that is just the likelihood computed with quadrature. What you should
do to carry out the test you are trying to carry out is as follows:
(This uses the same data and the same draws.)

skip $
tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2 ; pds=10; rpm ; Halton ; Pts=200
fcn=one(n),treat_pr(n),treat_tr(n) ; marginal $
calc ; Logl10=logl $   $
tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2 ; pds=10; rpm ; Halton ; Pts=200
fcn=one(n) ; marginal $
calc ; Logl4=logl$
calc ; list ; LRtest=-2*(Logl4-Logl10) ; DF=3; pvalue=1-Chi(LRtest,DF) $

/Bill Greene

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Drichoutis" <adrihout at aua.gr>
To: limdep at limdep.itls.usyd.edu.au
Sent: Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:52:42 AM GMT -05:00 Colombia
Subject: [Limdep Nlogit List] random effects tobit vs random coefficient tobit

Dear all,


I'm using a LR test to choose between a random effects tobit model and a
random coefficient tobit model with panel structure. The commands I use are:


namelist ; x2=one,
treat_tr $

skip $

tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2; random effects ; pds=10 $

calc ; Logl4=logl   $

skip $

tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2 ; pds=10; rpm ;
fcn=one(n),treat_pr(n),treat_tr(n) ; marginal $

calc ; Logl10=logl   $


calc ; list ; LRtest=-2*(Logl4-Logl10) ; DF=3; pvalue=1-Chi(LRtest,DF) $


However, the log likelihood of the random coefficients tobit is smaller than
the log likelihood of the random effects tobit which of course produces the
below output:


--> calc ; list ; LRtest=-2*(Logl4-Logl10) ; DF=3; pvalue=1-Chi(LRtest,DF) $


| Listed Calculator Results          |


 LRTEST  =   -335.667941

 DF      =      3.000000

  Error   471: Cannot compute CHI; parameter 1 is < = 0

  Error   116: CALC - Unable to compute result. Check earlier message.

Calculator: Computed   2 scalar results


What am I doing wrong?? The full output is listed below:


--> skip $

--> tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2; random effects ; pds=10 $

Normal exit from iterations. Exit status=0.

logl,k,n=  -1416.333138      13     710



| Limited Dependent Variable Model - CENSORED |

| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |

| Model estimated: Jan 17, 2010 at 02:55:30PM.|

| Dependent variable             BET2LOT4     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |

| Number of observations              710     |

| Iterations completed                  4     |

| Log likelihood function       -1416.333     |

| Number of parameters                 13     |

| Info. Criterion: AIC =          4.02629     |

|   Finite Sample: AIC =          4.02703     |

| Info. Criterion: BIC =          4.10988     |

| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          4.05858     |

| Threshold values for the model:             |

| Lower=     .0000     Upper=+infinity        |

| LM test [df] for tobit=    156.751[ 12]     |

| Normality Test, LM    =     60.348[  2]     |

| ANOVA  based fit measure =    .103095       |

| DECOMP based fit measure =    .125142       |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


+--------+Primary Index Equation for Model                            |

|Constant|   -15.3674***      2.08069611    -7.386   .0000            |

|GENDER  |    1.00451***       .17103259     5.873   .0000    .3943662|

|AGE     |     .31544***       .05005685     6.302   .0000   20.732394|

|HSIZE   |    -.02730          .07689967     -.355   .7225   4.3802817|

|TOTFEE  |     .46239***       .09951594     4.646   .0000   16.711268|

|ECONPOS1|    1.16291***       .40047154     2.904   .0037    .2676056|

|ECONPOS2|    1.61719***       .39306571     4.114   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS3|    1.52737***       .37501870     4.073   .0000    .3239437|

|ECONPOS4|     .95004**        .45028925     2.110   .0349    .0845070|

|PERIOD  |     .18307***       .02701722     6.776   .0000   5.5000000|

|TREAT_PR|     .21049          .16936398     1.243   .2139    .4929577|

|TREAT_TR|     .72958***       .16449886     4.435   .0000    .5070423|

+--------+Disturbance standard deviation                              |

|Sigma   |    2.03689***       .05871361    34.692   .0000            |


| Note: ***, **, * = Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level.               |



Normal exit from iterations. Exit status=0.

logl,k,n=   -998.155408      14     710



| Reestimated RANDOM EFFECTS Tobit Model      |

| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |

| Model estimated: Jan 17, 2010 at 02:55:32PM.|

| Dependent variable             BET2LOT4     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |

| Number of observations              710     |

| Iterations completed                 30     |

| Log likelihood function       -998.1554     |

| Number of parameters                 14     |

| Info. Criterion: AIC =          2.85114     |

|   Finite Sample: AIC =          2.85199     |

| Info. Criterion: BIC =          2.94116     |

| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          2.88592     |

| Restricted log likelihood     -1416.333     |

| McFadden Pseudo R-squared      .2952538     |

| Chi squared                    836.3555     |

| Degrees of freedom                    1     |

| Prob[ChiSqd > value] =         .0000000     |

| Sample is 10 pds and      71 individuals.   |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


|Constant|   -14.6483***      1.28389584   -11.409   .0000            |

|GENDER  |    1.92285***       .11195057    17.176   .0000    .3943662|

|AGE     |     .28561***       .02628378    10.867   .0000   20.732394|

|HSIZE   |    -.06575          .05534556    -1.188   .2348   4.3802817|

|TOTFEE  |     .45537***       .06140064     7.417   .0000   16.711268|

|ECONPOS1|    1.24880***       .24493824     5.098   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS2|    1.47099***       .24651507     5.967   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS3|     .99682***       .23244922     4.288   .0000    .3239437|

|ECONPOS4|     .09404          .29304674      .321   .7483    .0845070|

|PERIOD  |     .15308***       .00854629    17.912   .0000   5.5000000|

|TREAT_PR|     .18498*         .10982735     1.684   .0921    .4929577|

|TREAT_TR|     .84865***       .09862849     8.605   .0000    .5070423|

|Sigma(v)|    1.05254***       .01676555    62.780   .0000            |

|Sigma(u)|    1.85136***       .06332540    29.236   .0000            |


| Note: ***, **, * = Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level.               |



--> calc ; Logl4=logl   $

--> skip $

--> tobit ; lhs=bet2lot4 ; rhs=x2 ; pds=10; rpm ; fcn=one(n),treat_pr(n),
treat_tr(n) ; marginal $



| OLS Starting values for random parameters model    |

| Ordinary    least squares regression               |

| Model was estimated Jan 17, 2010 at 02:55:32PM     |

| LHS=BET2LOT4 Mean                 =   2.118859     |

|              Standard deviation   =   2.065007     |

| WTS=none     Number of observs.   =        710     |

| Model size   Parameters           =         12     |

|              Degrees of freedom   =        698     |

| Residuals    Sum of squares       =   2448.101     |

|              Standard error of e  =   1.872781     |

| Fit          R-squared            =   .1902701     |

|              Adjusted R-squared   =   .1775093     |

| Model test   F[ 11,   698] (prob) =  14.91 (.0000) |

| Diagnostic   Log likelihood       =  -1446.866     |

|              Restricted(b=0)      =  -1521.791     |

|              Chi-sq [ 11]  (prob) = 149.85 (.0000) |

| Info criter. LogAmemiya Prd. Crt. =   1.271609     |

|              Akaike Info. Criter. =   1.271606     |

|              Bayes Info. Criter.  =   1.348765     |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


|GENDER  |     .86421***       .15525106     5.567   .0000    .3943662|

|AGE     |     .28852***       .04511056     6.396   .0000   20.732394|

|HSIZE   |    -.01215          .06979876     -.174   .8617   4.3802817|

|TOTFEE  |     .36541***       .08981624     4.068   .0000   16.711268|

|ECONPOS1|    1.13420***       .35829935     3.166   .0015    .2676056|

|ECONPOS2|    1.36080***       .35263227     3.859   .0001    .2676056|

|ECONPOS3|    1.30121***       .33518827     3.882   .0001    .3239437|

|ECONPOS4|     .76261*         .40567359     1.880   .0601    .0845070|

|PERIOD  |     .18121***       .02446982     7.406   .0000   5.5000000|

|Constant|   -12.8792***      1.86921217    -6.890   .0000            |

|TREAT_PR|     .27916*         .15315829     1.823   .0683    .4929577|

|TREAT_TR|     .65945***       .14911202     4.423   .0000    .5070423|


| Note: ***, **, * = Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level.               |



Normal exit from iterations. Exit status=0.

logl,k,n=  -1165.989379      16     710



| Random Coefficients  Tobit    Model         |

| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |

| Model estimated: Jan 17, 2010 at 02:55:51PM.|

| Dependent variable             BET2LOT4     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |

| Number of observations              710     |

| Iterations completed                 65     |

| Log likelihood function       -1165.989     |

| Number of parameters                 16     |

| Info. Criterion: AIC =          3.32955     |

|   Finite Sample: AIC =          3.33065     |

| Info. Criterion: BIC =          3.43243     |

| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          3.36929     |

| Sample is 10 pds and      71 individuals.   |

| TOBIT (censored) regression model           |

| (Lower) censoring  limit is     .00         |

| Simulation based on 100 random draws        |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


+--------+Nonrandom parameters                                        |

|GENDER  |     .94807***       .10995143     8.623   .0000    .3943662|

|AGE     |     .32899***       .03286281    10.011   .0000   20.732394|

|HSIZE   |    -.06144          .05077379    -1.210   .2262   4.3802817|

|TOTFEE  |     .23699***       .06499989     3.646   .0003   16.711268|

|ECONPOS1|    1.25894***       .27894351     4.513   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS2|    1.85986***       .27514168     6.760   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS3|    2.08401***       .26263528     7.935   .0000    .3239437|

|ECONPOS4|    1.44497***       .30369499     4.758   .0000    .0845070|

|PERIOD  |     .18833***       .00888661    21.193   .0000   5.5000000|

+--------+Means for random parameters                                 |

|Constant|   -11.8760***      1.36500586    -8.700   .0000            |

|TREAT_PR|    -.46555***       .11270688    -4.131   .0000    .4929577|

|TREAT_TR|     .75248***       .10430907     7.214   .0000    .5070423|

+--------+Scale parameters for dists. of random parameters            |

|Constant|    1.29447***       .05431955    23.831   .0000            |

|TREAT_PR|    1.53339***       .08708320    17.608   .0000            |

|TREAT_TR|    1.11736***       .07967833    14.024   .0000            |

+--------+Variance parameter given is sigma                           |

|Std.Dev.|    1.22359***       .01405740    87.043   .0000            |


| Note: ***, **, * = Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level.               |




Implied standard deviations of random parameters


Matrix S.D_Beta has  3 rows and  1 columns.



       1|    1.29448

       2|    1.53340

       3|    1.11737



| Partial derivatives of expected val. with |

| respect to the vector of characteristics. |

| They are computed at the means of the Xs. |

| Conditional Mean at Sample Point   1.8660 |

| Scale Factor for Marginal Effects   .9326 |



|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]| Mean of X|


|GENDER  |     .88416***       .10448649     8.462   .0000    .3943662|

|AGE     |     .30682***       .03125703     9.816   .0000   20.732394|

|HSIZE   |    -.05730          .04733977    -1.210   .2261   4.3802817|

|TOTFEE  |     .22101***       .06092928     3.627   .0003   16.711268|

|ECONPOS1|    1.17408***       .26015875     4.513   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS2|    1.73449***       .25796974     6.724   .0000    .2676056|

|ECONPOS3|    1.94354***       .24804356     7.835   .0000    .3239437|

|ECONPOS4|    1.34757***       .28435880     4.739   .0000    .0845070|

|PERIOD  |     .17563***       .00995265    17.647   .0000   5.5000000|

|Constant|   -11.0755***      1.30217462    -8.505   .0000            |

|TREAT_PR|    -.43417***       .10559238    -4.112   .0000    .4929577|

|TREAT_TR|     .70176***       .10142687     6.919   .0000    .5070423|


| Note: ***, **, * = Significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level.               |



--> calc ; Logl10=logl   $

--> calc ; list ; LRtest=-2*(Logl4-Logl10) ; DF=3; pvalue=1-Chi(LRtest,DF) $


| Listed Calculator Results          |


 LRTEST  =   -335.667941

 DF      =      3.000000

  Error   471: Cannot compute CHI; parameter 1 is < = 0

  Error   116: CALC - Unable to compute result. Check earlier message.

Calculator: Computed   2 scalar results



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