[Limdep Nlogit List] HEV model results

Twan Huybers T.Huybers at adfa.edu.au
Wed Jun 10 15:04:51 EST 2009

Dear All,


I have two queries regarding the estimation results of an HEV model.


1) I have run an HEV model which contains eight generic alternatives
with various attributes.  The dataset is a stacked one with the first
four alternatives coming from one sample and the second four from
another sample.  The IVs are set to be equal for the first four, and
equal (and normalised) for the second four.  The estimated scale
parameters themselves are not significant but the implied standard
deviations of the random components are significant - see output below.
In assessing the departure from MNL, which ones should prevail, the
scale parameters or the implied standard deviations?  And how come these
two sets of parameters have different significances in the first place?

2) My second query concerns the calculation of HEV choice probabilities.
My understanding has always been that these are not in a closed form
and, therefore, have to be obtained using simulated maximum likelihood.
However, I have now come across a ''parameterised heteroskedastic MNL
model' whose choice probabilities seem, simply, to be equivalent to the
MNL ones after duly multiplying by each alternative's estimated scale
parameter.  Does this mean that I can use my HEV scale parameters to
"adjust" each alternatives utility value and, hence, probability?


Thanks for any comments/suggestions.



Twan Huybers


--> sample;all$





















--> reject; timecomp<10$




--> nlogit; choices = Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4, Alt5, Alt6, Alt7, Alt8;











    ivset: (Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4)/




    (Alt5, Alt6, Alt7, Alt8)=[1.0];










    U(Alt1, Alt2, Alt3, Alt4, Alt5, Alt6, Alt7, Alt8)=

















Normal exit from iterations. Exit status=0.







| Heteroskedastic Extreme Value Model         |




| Maximum Likelihood Estimates                |






| Model estimated: May 07, 2009 at 10:41:17AM.|



| Dependent variable                CH1_7     |

| Weighting variable                 None     |


| Number of observations              827     |


| Iterations completed                 53     |



| Log likelihood function       -946.3179     |






| Number of parameters                 45     |



| Info. Criterion: AIC =          2.39738     |




|   Finite Sample: AIC =          2.40379     |



| Info. Criterion: BIC =          2.65410     |



| Info. Criterion:HQIC =          2.49585     |


| Restricted log likelihood     -1719.698     |



| McFadden Pseudo R-squared      .4497186     |



| Chi squared                    1546.761     |



| Degrees of freedom                   45     |



| Prob[ChiSqd > value] =         .0000000     |



| Constants only.  Must be computed directly. |



|                  Use NLOGIT ;...; RHS=ONE $ |



| At start values  -1016.6446  .06918 ******* |



| Response data are given as ind. choice.     |









| Heteroskedastic Extreme Value Model         |


| Number of obs.=   828, skipped   1 bad obs. |









|Variable| Coefficient  | Standard Error |b/St.Er.|P[|Z|>z]|







 BARTS   |     .75775690       .25663342     2.953   .0032



 BENTER  |    1.68322496       .39743666     4.235   .0000


 BEVENT  |    1.09515213       .28778638     3.805   .0001


 BFOOD   |    1.07041633       .30239119     3.540   .0004


 BNAT    |    1.25174919       .30734785     4.073   .0000


 BRELAX  |    1.73474738       .38811315     4.470   .0000


 BSPORT  |     .67938776       .26286290     2.585   .0098


 BQANTAS |     .05063589       .04728376     1.071   .2842


 BHERTZ  |    -.00172411       .05392820     -.032   .9745


 B3NS    |    -.27085886       .07036760    -3.849   .0001


 BA3S    |    -.25100797       .07174301    -3.499   .0005


 BVALTA  |     .00371064       .00079682     4.657   .0000


 BBANG   |     .73551308       .18990806     3.873   .0001


 BHUNT   |     .09777008       .19219050      .509   .6110


 BMARG   |    -.01642736       .20051373     -.082   .9347


 BNZ     |    1.53256072       .33925164     4.517   .0000


 BYARRA  |    -.14114760       .20716562     -.681   .4957


 BPER    |    -.47829278       .44204797    -1.082   .2793


 BSYD    |     .22714536       .18114961     1.254   .2099


 BMEL    |     .75784680       .22756093     3.330   .0009


 BEXP3S  |    -.17372057       .06039305    -2.876   .0040


 BVALEXP |     .00221294       .00050827     4.354   .0000


 BDAARTS |    -.13416933       .25830063     -.519   .6035


 BDAENTER|    -.30312232       .39756337     -.762   .4458


 BDAEVENT|    -.14655652       .28686616     -.511   .6094

 BDAFOOD |    -.20918860       .30287265     -.691   .4898

 BDANAT  |    -.10700940       .30682955     -.349   .7273

 BDARELAX|    -.21742008       .38866143     -.559   .5759


 BDASPORT|    -.21865871       .26101272     -.838   .4022

 BDAQANT |     .03564620       .04721536      .755   .4503

 BDAHERTZ|     .00883824       .05393695      .164   .8698


 BDA3NS  |     .02743594       .07099010      .386   .6991

 BDAC3ST |     .04825748       .07248086      .666   .5055


 BDAVALTA|    .994394D-04      .00079155      .126   .9000


 BDABANG |     .33380016       .19132340     1.745   .0810

 BDANZ   |    -.13947213       .34058772     -.410   .6822

 BDAHUNT |    -.15443945       .19269729     -.801   .4229


 BDAYARRA|     .01932251       .20713870      .093   .9257


 BDAMARG |     .27177991       .19965398     1.361   .1734

 BDASYD  |     .14824649       .18117262      .818   .4132






 BDAMELB |    -.03029755       .22738651     -.133   .8940






 BDAPERTH|     .22789645       .44707154      .510   .6102



 BDAEX3ST|     .01760473       .06086719      .289   .7724




 BDAVALEX|     .00074614       .00051487     1.449   .1473



---------+Scale Parameters of Extreme Value Distns Minus 1.0



 s_ALT1  |    -.04389759       .33172993     -.132   .8947


 s_ALT2  |    -.04389759       .33172993     -.132   .8947



 s_ALT3  |    -.04389759       .33172993     -.132   .8947



 s_ALT4  |    -.04389759       .33172993     -.132   .8947



 s_ALT5  |       .000000    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT6  |       .000000    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT7  |       .000000    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT8  |       .000000    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



---------+Std.Dev=pi/(theta*sqr(6)) for H.E.V. distribution.



 s_ALT1  |    1.34143559       .46542538     2.882   .0039



 s_ALT2  |    1.34143559       .46542538     2.882   .0039



 s_ALT3  |    1.34143559       .46542538     2.882   .0039



 s_ALT4  |    1.34143559       .46542538     2.882   .0039


 s_ALT5  |    1.28254980    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT6  |    1.28254980    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT7  |    1.28254980    ......(Fixed Parameter).......



 s_ALT8  |    1.28254980    ......(Fixed Parameter).......




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